Should I go out with him?

okay, this guy really likes me, and I like him a lot too. but he gets kinda violent when hes mad, and he is very strong, and im afraid hed hurt me or something. but thats the only thing keeping me from going out with him. but he alsomakes me feel good about myself because he always calls me beautiful, and sexy and all that, but hes that type of guy that will…like…make out with any cute girl he runs into. (not really, but hes that type of guy if that makes any sence) and I dont really know how to kiss :( but I dont know if I should go out with him. I will be with my friends, and ask them if I should go out with him because he keeps asking me out,and they start talking about when he pushed his x-girlfriend against the wall when hey were making out, and I get all scared, and I will be way too afraid to be near him, but when I am in technology with him, all my fear goes away and ill want to go out ith him so bad. but I always get scared off and on. I have no clue what to do. I need help

Answer #1

hun, you can do so much better. dont put yourself in harms way..ever! no matter who the boy is. Guys have a tendency to say whatever a girl wants to hear just to get what he wants. He might be cute and all that other stuff…but you really need to just move on. NEVER put yourself in that kinda situation…especially if you know whats coming!

And the idea of kissing can be very nerve me I know! I mean when I first started dating I practiced with my friend so that I would know what im doing with my boyfriend! haha its goofy when you think about it back then…but honestly just go with your instinct..dont even worry about the kissing because when you worry…you like mess up and get all this anxiety and crap..just relax and let it happen when the time comes. =] no worrys it will all be good.

and dont go out with that violent boy!!

Answer #2

If you know that he’s violent, stay away. Once he hits you, he’ll say he’s sorry and then hit you again. So go with your gut and stay away from him.

Answer #3

Keep far yourself from all the violent males (olso from violen females :))), even if you like few of them. They can be extremely dangerous.

Answer #4

You go with your gut instinct, and stay away from him. Why would you even want to go out with someone that has a violent temper? Sounds like your pretty desperate. Any guy can make a girl feel good about herself…especially if knows he can get what he wants from her. He is saying EVERYTHING you want to hear, and your falling for it. Get your mind off of him, and in another direction!

For one thing, your way too young to start dating, especially when you know this boy isnt the best choice. Wait a few more years until you find someone who will give you the real attention, and respect you want.

Answer #5

love him, but if he hurts you tell sumone

Answer #6

ahhh dont!!!!! HE sounds sweet maybe but yet wicked mean

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