A milky discharge from my vagina.

I have this milky discharge or somethimes a transparant discharge and it comes out daily. Also my vagina sometimes itches. Do you know whats causing it ? Thank you.

Answer #1

If the discharge is WHITE (milky), then there is the possibility that you have some sort of yeast infection. This would also explain burning or itching. How old are you? Have you told your mother? She should get you an appointment with a Gynecologist. You might need some medication to clear it up.

Answer #2

I think you might have an infection. just go to the doctor and let it get checked. it shouldnt be a big deal.
I dont really know what would cause it, but some people say that you can get infections like that from taking a bath with a lot of chemicals inside it.

Answer #3

daily discharge is normal, almost every girl gets it its your vaginas way of cleaning itself if your not sexually active the itch could be from something like shaving down there if you are sexually active it could be an infection if its always itchy or hurts go to the doctor thats the only way to find out what it is and if its serious

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