Which guy should I be with?

I’m in love with a guy that i hooked up with at my birthday party…we are good friends… he’s playing “hard to get” since we hooked up…and there is this other boy that is in love with me and he is so nice and gentle with me…I like him very much…I’m very confused and i realy don’t know what to do…If i choose this second boy, i’ll always ask myself what could have been with the first one…so,please just give me some advice or i’ll drive my self crazy (well, i’m also doing it now…) Please,please HELP ME!

Answer #1

Dear justanordinarygirl, You hooked up with a good friend now he is being evasive…Perhaps he is a little confused as to his roll of boyfriend and not just friend? If he is a good friend then I’m sure you’ve had some great talks in the past. Now is the time for a talk. You can’t know what some else is thinking unless you speak with them. Ask to see him some place quiet and discuss what your new roles are. If he is uncomfortable being the boyfriend then perhaps he isn’t ready for this step. Do not continue with the gentle boy until you have this matter settled. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

im not saying use the second guy but drop the hard to get boy and go with the boy that actually likes u and is gentle and then it will probably make the other boy jealous and u never know u could end up liking the gentle boy better boy more than the hard to get boy

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