a little worried

Okay so I am 15 years old. 16 In January. I had unprotected sex on the 20th of July. I am not quite sure if he cummed in me or not. I am not on birth control. My periods are about 2 to 3 weeks apart. Its a bit wild. The last time I had my period was the 11 of July, so about 4 and a half weeks ago? It is really unusual for me. Its not that Im sooo absolutely positive I am pregnant. because I seriously doubt it. I am just so curious for a reason for such a late period. I have not experienced many symptoms. But when I usualy get my period I get sore boobs for about a week before I start. and then about the day I get my period they stop hurting. mine are still sore and its nto so much the middle of my boob. just the sides. its usualy just one boob that hurts but today my right boob started to hurt aswell. my lower back is a bit painful. but I think it might be from the way I slept last night. The skin around my nipple is more dotty. liek pimples? but not? I have been eating like crazy but mayeb its because I think there coudl be a chance Im pregnant. I am just looking for some advise or past experiences. I am going to buy a HPT on thursday or friday. Please.. any responses are helpful.

Answer #1

yeah I got one. and this beatiful pink plus sign just made me want to dig a hole and live in it for the rest of my days.

Answer #2

well you sound kinda pregnant so getting a pregnancy test would help

Answer #3

I wold buy a pregnancy test if I were you theres no age restrictoins so your good

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