What to do when he keeps coming on to me?

I met a lad about a year ago hu lived in sheffield he came over 2 where I live an I met him threw a mate an we got on really well an we spent 2 weeks togther but then he left to go back to sheffield, im now engaged an very in lvoe with my fiance, I cant tel my fiance that he keeps coming on 2 me because he will beat the sh!t out of him an I dont want him fighting, in a way iguess he should be flatterd that other men find his fiance attractive but he gets really annoyed an starts kikin off about the lad, me an this lad are still friends but I dont think I can b friends with him no more if he carrys on coming on to me an telling me he loves me! HELP!! anyone got any ideas? x

Answer #1

he’s going to keep coming on to you no matter what, your best bet is to be a b*tch and just tell him. Hey, sorry but we can’t be friends anymore, you havn’t known him that long so it shouldn’t hurt him that bad. If you don’t I can see how that would cause some problems

Answer #2

if you really want to be with your fiance, then I suggest that you just forget about this other guy because he’s obviously not doing any good for your relationship. tell him to back off, and if he keeps coming on to you then you just have to erase him from your memory. all he’s doing is creating a road bump between you and your fiance, so if he can’t tone it down, then forget him.

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