A friend giving me sass?

My friend, Julie Anna Miller, is going out with a guy named Kaleb Fewell, today I told her I liked him, and she started going off how they kissed, and hugged, and stuff. I think she’s trying to make me jealous, what should I do to get back at her, and get Kaleb to go out with me?

Answer #1

ok just tell him shes cheating on him for some guy on the internet say they talk bout sex all the time and they had sex just the other day and that she is going to visit him reall soon or just go up and say ‘ my friend is only oging out with you cause I like you and then walk away dont listen to what he has to say just keep walking

Answer #2

Is this really how friends treat each other nowadays? Everyone involved in this situation sounds heinous.

Answer #3

then tell her she can have him just say you moved on an say you like someone else an if she asks give her some other guys name mayb shell dump the guy you like an go for the guy she thinks you like

Answer #4

She’s the terrible friend! The only reason she asked him out, is because the day before I told her I liked him.

Answer #5

Ya I agree dont do that to your friend! No guy is worth it.. your friends are always better then a guy! .. Jeez.. no. just talk to her about it!!

Answer #6

:) Thanks Jaders715. but I don’t want to do that…anyway, thanks peeps for answerin’

Answer #7


Answer #8

You’re a horrible friend…that’s her guy, back off.

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