a bit about youx

I would like to make more friends,it doesnt matter who you are could you tell me a bit a about yourself because even though I only joined today everyone seems super nice!!!

Answer #1

Hell-o I’m Lindsey. People call me Lindzai though. :]

I love to sing. I currently call Galashiels my home town, even though I moan for britian about it, I couldnt imagine myself anywhere else :L Er, Im a computer addict I am ALWAYS on funadvice/bebo/MSN. I am 15 years old, and im currently improving my skills in English, French, Maths and Music.

I am currently learning the bass - its going pretty well tbh. aaand im saving up for one too (:

Im in a band, well two actually. :]

I sing in one, and I play bass and sing for the other. :] I love pasta and spicy food and I am very optimistic in the very worst of occasions.

I have MSN if you want to speak to me (:

Risdoog@Hotmail.com :]


Answer #2

I’m called Gabriella, I’m 15 years old, I live in England. I’m quite shy but once you get to know me I can be funny and actually quite opiniated! I spend a lot of my time doing art and I like writing stories and peoms. I’m actually quite girly and I love clothes and make-up and strangely, conspiracy theories!

Answer #3

iam haya !!! iam 14 iam a really nice person I guess :) I love helping people a lot iam from lebanon I love dancing I love partying and having fun

Answer #4

I’m danni, I’m 15 from england. I love dancing and performing :) I love going out to parties and meeting and chatting to lots of new people :)

Answer #5

name-sydney hates-mushrooms enjoys-when people treat their pets nicely age-14

Answer #6

I’m Yoake!! I’m 15!! I’m a HYPER HAPPY! person!!! I’m extremely over obsessed with my sexii japanese guys! I pretty much understand everyone and hardly ever get into arguments. I don’t even get mad ^_^ I’m probably one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. my music is my life but hardly anyone to talk to about it cause it’s so different from what everyone else listens to… it’s so good though!!! (^O^) <—I love my japanese smiley faces!!! I love being talked to at any time!!! I don’t know, it just makes me happy. if you talk to me about my music or anything close, I’ll never shut up! every pic you see on my profile (background or not) are ALL STRAIGHT MEN! that seems to be the only thing I get mad about. so many people are so rude making such a big deal out of it. all they have to do is say oh, that’s a man. instead they all say OMG That’s not a man!!! he’s so gay!!! and whatever. it’s horrible! :( but other than that, I’m nice as ever! ;) oh! and I talk a lot!!

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