90's babies...

Please NO OFFENSE intended. But does anyone else agree these guys are sooo out of control nowadays.

Answer #1

has there ever been a generation that did not claim the younger ones were “out of control” and ruining civilization? do you think that, at the ripe age of not-yet-even-30 you are entitled to hold an opinion about “kids these days”?

Answer #2

aha yep, it’s in Love & Relationships, that’s why it didn’t show, but it is posted twice in here. =] Im a 90’s kid and yes, I do believe our generation is getting out of hand. Kids are becoming too sexual for their age. It’s sad to see those shows like 16 and Pregnant. Also, our generation is lazy. There’s no hard working like there should be…

Answer #3

yea they are seriously way out of control and im a 90’s baby myself and even I noticed that…

Answer #4

I am one of the ‘kids these days’ aha so I believe I am indeed entitled to my opinion about them, or us aha =P

Answer #5

I definetly agree. Thanxs for letting me know!

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