7month old pomeranian mixed throwing up? please help.

Hi, I just got My puppy going on two weeks, he’s a 7month old Pomeranian mixed. today he was doing fine. he came in contact with another Pomeranian it was a female she was 10weeks old. he tired to get some sex, but I didnt let him, he tries to eat everything in sight!, paper, boxes,leaves from outside..but I always take it out his mouth. just around 7pm he threw up and it smells like his food and it looks like his food. then he was fine. he’s very energetic, plays until he’s sleepy. I feed him three times a day. 7am 1pm 7pm. I do give him two kinds of food. mighty dog the soft food. and ceaser..for puppies. around 11pm. he threw up and went back to sleep and then woke up and threw up again and went back to sleep, after he throws up he runs his nose in the carpet as if he has something in his nose trying to get it out. he sniffs a lot of different things after he throws up I guess to get the taste out of his mouth I guess??. he eats really fast, not a fan of drinking to much, his bowl movements are soft but not like diarrhea. when we first got him they were hard and solid. whats should I do? do you think im feeding him to much? he has gotten a little fat. is it just a tummy ache? Oh and I did give him a doggie treat today. It was a chewy bacon strip.

Answer #1

Pomeranians are prone to tooth loss, especially if you feed them soft food all the time. Dry kibble will save his teeth - and will save you thousands of dollars in vet bills! Plus, some Poms are prone to weight gain - if he is a “picky eater”, how on earth can he be fat??? Since dry food isn’t “totally delicious”, he’ll eat only when he is really hungry, and will naturally control his weight. If you feed him soft junk food all the time, he’ll get fat, just like if you feed a child junk food all the time!

Answer #2

thank you! thats a great answer!..so it will be ok to mix his food and it wont be hard on his stomatch? he’s really a picky eater. I’ll try the kibbles though…I cut back on the serving amounts of food…I give him just a spoonfull, even though he looks at me like uhh where the hell is the rest??? lol but he’ll adjust! he hasent been throwing up at all since then, but how ever he does eat grass!! is that normal? I thought only cats do that??

Answer #3

If your pup has it’s shots, then it didn’t catch anything from the little pup.

I think you’re feeding him the wrong stuff…All those fancy canned foods are more for YOU (and the advertisers know that), than your dog’s health…He’s a small dog (which means he will have teeth problems down the road)…so he needs kibble to help keep his teeth clean. The fancy canned food is full of sodium (not good for dogs), fat…and water. There is darn little nutrition in them that a growing pup needs.

At 7 months he should only be eating 2 times a day…morning and evening…If he’s getting fat, just cut back on the amout per meal…

Find him a good kibble (Nutro is good…if you have a Costco card, Kirklands is also rated very high…there are MANY good kibbles out there)…start him out with 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup per meal…if you want to give him canned food, add a dab to the dry food, to “bribe” him into eating the kibble (he might try to refuse kibble at first…so a teaspoon of the canned will help get him started on kibble.

I think you find his stools go back to “healthy”…and he’ll quit throwing up…


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