5ft3in 125pounds

I am 16, 5ft 3in and 125 pounds last year I was 115 but I do sprints and polevault fot track everyday am I overweight for my age and height? at stores my size can be anywhere from a size 0 to 7. I want to go back to my previous weight anysuggestions?

Answer #1

You sound just about right. You’re not overweight. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat and you’re an athlete. So it makes perfect sense.

Answer #2

LL - Figure your proper weight range: Put your numbers in the first box and you’ll get a readout of your ideal weight, weight range, and BMI: and weight range automatically shows up in the third box: http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm

Take care !!

Answer #3

your perfect you dont need to lose weight

Answer #4

well im still a beginner but I’ve cleared 8’6 so far

Answer #5

no you are not too fat.

now my question for you! how high you going polevaulting? I did it in high school it was my favorite even I was going 12’5”

Answer #6

heck no. you are just right.

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