4 piercings too much?

is 4 piercings on wach each an over kill? I was going to do 3 originally but two other people at my school have that so I notched it up to 4. and now I’m wondering if thats too much? opinions please?

Answer #1

Obviously not; I have fourteen altogether, next week sixteen. On my ears, I have:

Right ear- three lobes, a double helix, and an upper helix, so six altogether

Left ear- Four lobes, vertical tragus/sideburn, so five

Answer #2

Hell no! Man there’s no such thing as too many peircings! lol Piercings are awesome and there’s nothing wrong with them. They’re simply forms of body art and self experssion. Don’t worry about what others think, if you want them, keep them. It’s YOUR body so it’s YOUR choice!

Answer #3

Hell no! Man there’s no such thing as too many peircings! lol Piercings are awesome and there’s nothing wrong with them. They’re simply forms of body art and self experssion. Don’t worry about what others think, if you want them, keep them. It’s YOUR body so it’s YOUR choice!

Answer #4

It’s not about how many you have, it’s about where you put them! I’ve got 6 piercings, but you only see 3. If you want to get those piercings, go for it, and if you feel that it’s too much, you can always take them out… after they heal! A piercing removed before it finished healing is bound to scar.

Answer #5

oh psh well why else would I do it?! I’m still trying to get more piercings that Cindy Stratten from 5th grade who had 3 piercings. it’s my life’s goal to have more than her!

Answer #6

no so far I’ve got 34 peircings, and thats not too much its never really too much if you want them just make sure your getting them because you actually want them not just to beat other people to say “ I’ve got more than you”

Answer #7

on ears no.

I have 6 on each ear, and plan on getting 4 more on each.

keep going! hhaha.

: ]

Answer #8

I don’t think that’s too much. Whatever feels comfortable to you. If four piercings work, then I’d say go for it.

Answer #9

mkay. I have 2 on one ear and 1 on the other right now. I’m getting an industrial on the left side and my belly button done later this month. I’ve always wanted a lot of piercings so I’m doing it all in a 1 months span. thanks guys!!! im feelin’ better about the 4 thing now! lmao

Answer #10

Haha no, it’s not too much. I USED to have my nose pierced, 4 in each ear, the the bottom lobe holes guaged to a 4 so no, it’s not too much. Then I used to have my cartlidge pierced in each ear. So all together that would’ve been 5 in each ear AND my nose piercing.

Answer #11

I don’t think so at all. The most piercings I have had on my face at once was 8.

Answer #12

I have 4 on each of my ears, well I have 5 on one then 4 on the other, I think it looks fine! :) & the answer above, I cant even read that… :(

Answer #13

Oh!… I have 12 on one ear and three one the other. Do whatever pleases you. Who gives a damn what others think?!

Answer #14

oh!! no thats not to much!! I have 7 lol. and I got my belly button pierced yesterday! :]

Answer #15

In mY OpInIoN 4iS AWeSOME! ps. OnLy mY OpInIoN mAttERs because I rOkk that WaY ;) haha lmao

Answer #16

ear lobe. well all the way up the side of my ear.

Answer #17

Four piercings on what?

Answer #18

nope not at all. I have 7

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