What else is there to a 3way?

My 2 best friends are dating. A boy and a girl, to clarify :). Jenny and alex, we’ll call them. Well I’ve been in love with jenny for a while, kind of on the border of best friend and in love. And now I am in love with alex too because we talked a lot this summer and it just happened. He sort of suggested a 3way but not really, and somehow we ended up talking about it. Well now I just have to get jenny’s permission, and then it will be okay. The thing is, is we are sort of in a “threelationship” and/or an “open relationship”. A mix of the two. But what about the actual 3way part? So far we have agreed to not have sex, because we are young still and I promised myself I would be celibate until I was 18. I am a bit paranoid about disease. Anyways I was just wondering what else is there to a 3way? I know it’s kinky so I’m sure there is some imagination involved!

Answer #1

cambei, your a bit 2 young 4 sex (I’m 16 and too young IMO). is jenny bi? if she isn’t than its a lost cause. If you do end up having sex use protection. ^.^

Answer #2

Well if you are my age, 14, then it would be like a normal relationship, with just two people, only your sharing with another person. And true, there is not age limit when it comes to love :)

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice