3 days after your period

I finished my period on July 27 and had sex on the 30- july 3. Is it possible that I can be pregnant? I’ve read that you can get pregnant and that you cant so im confused. Can someone clear things up for me please? Can someone get pregnant 3 days after their finished period?

Answer #1

If your cycle is regular you produce and egg 14 days after your period .. however sperms can onli servive in you for 5 days so it is unlikly your pregnant . but ders always a slight chance …

Answer #2

Yes, you can. Sperm can actually survive in the body for a couple of days so it is likey possible that you can get pregnant. If your worried wait 3 weeks and take a pregnancy test :)

Answer #3

Yes it is possible, not likely if you have a regular cycle, but it is possible. Why are you having unprotected sex if you dont know the answer to this one?

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