2 problems!

Today me and my boyfriend spent some time together. We got in the moment and wanted to have sex or at least try. We’ve probably tried three or four times already. He was turned on and so was I so I knew I was ‘wet’ enough down there. He put his penis in probably half an inch to an inch and it HURT! He didnt even reach far enough. I kept having to stop him. I think its just too tight down there or something else. Another thing is after we finished trying, he fingered me. I’ve been fingered many times in the past but this time when he stopped and looked at his finger, it had a speck of blood! I don’t think he tore my hymen cuz i would’ve felt it even worse. His nails are really short so i also don’t think he scratched me. When he left I had a little pain down there and hurt to pee. I took a hot bath and it started to feel better.So I have a few questions… 1)is there any way to become more loose down there 2)Any tips for making sex for the first time easier and less painful? 3) Why did I bleed when he fingered me? 4) how far up is a hymen? 5)Is there a way to try to ignore the pain when having sex for first time?

I love him and I want to be able to have sex with him but every time we try we have some kind of complication. Please help as much as you can. Thanks.

Answer #1

the fact that you bled means that he probably broke your hymen and a good way to make it so it doesnt hurt real bad is to use lubricant and or what will make it faster is if the guy just shoves the whole thing in there fast and just leaves it there so that your muscles can get use to him then if he thrusts into you then it will make the pain go away faster once you get use to him then it will start feeling good

Answer #2

no matter what its gonna hurt having sex for the first time, and start out really slow really slow, umm and it mite be ur first period if u never had one yet or could be an infection dunno, but if its the period thing than dont have sex for another two ta four years, cause to be honest females around ages eleven ta seventeen can get cirvical cancer or hpv which aint a good disease so just sum good tips

Answer #3

Here are some answers in order corresponding to your questions…

  1. Yes, but that would include fisting - Thus = a ton of pain.
  2. ALOT of lubrication. Try this website. www.sexinfo101.com it’s safe and you can learn ALOT!
  3. Even the smallest of fingernails can make a very small cut on the walls of a vagina. Make sure he gets them filed into a softer nail where it may not happen again. The vagina, like the penis, is very sensitive and can be cut very easily.
  4. Pretty far up there : ) (Unless he’s got 5+ inch fingers your good.)
  5. Not really, it’s going to hurt. After that first time though, every other time you have sex will be magnificent.
Answer #4

Next time you try having sex use lots of lube on yourself and your bfs penis before he puts it in. This will lossen things up and make it less painful, but still make sure he puts it in slowly becos your vagina has to stretch so until you have done it a few times properly it will be a lil painful and uncomfortable, but the lube takes alot of the pain away. Now the fingering, the hymen is only 4cm up, thats why these days you can break it yourself without realising, using a tampon, masterbating and even horse riding can break it. So your bf most probably broke it with his fingers. Its normal. Just also tell him to be gentle when he is fingering you.

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