20 year old virgin what do u think?

20 year old male lonely

Answer #1

Nothing in particular.

It is not all that unusual. Plenty of people do not lose their virginity until they are in their twenties, and a fair number of people, either through choice or force of circumstance, do not lose it until they are in their thirties.

Evidence strongly suggests that anyone who is still a virgin by the time they get into their forties will probably remain so for the rest of their lives.

So (unless this is a “hypothetical question”) you, or the individual to whom you refer, still has plenty of time to get stuck into it.

Answer #2

Nothing wrong with that at all. Less reason for regret, less problems. Take your own time with it no need to rush anything.

Answer #3

There’s nothing wrong with that. Some people lose it early and some lose it later on in life. Just do whatever you are comfortable with. There is no reason to rush.

Answer #4

As long as your …..active in some way …errrr…occasionaly, then no prob…but if down there aint getting any ideas of getting up there then you need to get out there lol

Answer #5

I lost mine when I was 20. I was a nerd in high school and was busy and broke in college. At the time I worried about being a virgin a lot and felt like I was missing out. I think the whole concept of virginity is outdated and stupid. One of the stupidest reasons to have sex is to loose your virginity and one of the stupidest reasons not to have sex is to keep it. People should have sex when they want to and are ready to. If you are socially awkward like I was you may need to push yourself a bit to meet and date women but you should not worry about when things happen. Years later I learned that my best friend in high school lost his when he was 12. Instead of bragging about it he kept it to himself since he knew I felt bad about being a virgin. You don’t get friends like that very often.

Answer #6

im 20 and im a virgin to ha im glad i am cause wayyyyy to many people have sex young and i beleive you should wait i honestly only wanna sleep with one person my whole life i feel alot of people lose it young these days and alot just sleep with random people and i think thats nasty…. like people throw it around like its nothing,,,, when i feel its the most intimate thing you can do with a person and people shouldent throw it around n sleep with people when it means nothing… you should do it with someone you love(: sooo i think its a very good thing that your a virgin and you should wait for the right person!

Answer #7

I think it’s fine. When you feel it is the right time … THEN is the time, but make sure that neither you nor your partner is at risk. I was 23. I felt that I didn’t want to be that intimate until I was with a very special woman. It was not because of religion (I’m an Atheist) but rather I just valued relationships more than getting my jollies. And if I got too ‘antsy’ there was always a solution at hand. Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #8

it’s just OK. it’s your choice, there is no right or wrong, be yourself. and you will find your Mr.Right.(China Third-party Payment http://en.qianzhan.com/report/detail/e0599e44e7aa4d6f.html)

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