160 word limit?

Why is there a 160 word limit on texting? Is there a way to get more?? I always go over and I have to go back and retype the WHOLE text to shorten it! So

  1. Why is it there?
  2. Can I get more space?
Answer #1

I have verizon. To other verizon people it’s way more than 160 characters. It’s only that way if the other person im texting isnt verizon.

Answer #2

if you send a picture message, you dont have to add a picture but can have 1000 characters. :)

Answer #3

no you cant get more speace mine does the same thing its just how much your phone can handle and I know how you feel I always have to go back and retype every thing =/ blackberrys and stuff like that send more then one msg at a time thats why they can use so many letter so eather way your phones only going to send 160 letters at a time

Answer #4

Mine does that but it usually just sends it in multiple text messages. like the first message is 160 characters and then the rest comes in a second message

Answer #5

what kind of phone do you have? because I have a blackberry pearl and you cant use more than 160 charachters in a text, so I usually send more than one message if it doesnt fit. but with most phones you canuse as many words as you want, it will just send it as more than one text

Answer #6

Divide it into more than one text.

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