Where can 13-year-olds get a job?

Where are the websites that 13 year olds can go to, to get a job.

Answer #1

im 14 and I want to show my mom and dad that I can help around the house and I live in decature do you have a job for me pless help

Answer #2

Im only 15 and I earn a good amount of money doing online services.. its really easy and barely takes any time, and its free. Heres a link to sign up:


Answer #3

uh I don’t know the webistes but there are dog walking picking up dog poop babysitting krogers I believe hires oh and pet-sitting

Answer #4

I work at bakers delight and im only 13 so yea you can get better jobs than babysiting. go to the mcdoanld website and they have jobs

Answer #5

if I wanna get a job somewhere like at a golf course er sumtin where should I start? like who do I call or who do I write to? please help meh out!

Answer #6

I dont know!!! im 13 and just quit my paper round because its to early in the morning! I was thinking about trying the taxi firm but the shifts are rediculous! I think im too young anyway but hey its worth a try

Answer #7

I mean a really job

Answer #8

you cant till 14 sorry

Answer #9

I need a job for real I do I need it to get a cell phone and a new computer I am 15 years old and need a job…

Answer #10

when i was 13/14 i babysat as much as i could, and i worked at the local icecream shop in town.

Answer #11

A child aged 13 may be employed in light work in one or more of the following categories:

  1. agricultural or horticultural work, including gardening, not involving the use of machinery
  2. the delivery of newspapers, journals and other printed material
  3. shop work, including shelf stacking
  4. work in hairdressing salons
  5. office work
  6. car washing by hand in a private residential setting
  7. in a cafe or restaurant
  8. in riding stables
  9. domestic work in hotels and other establishments offering accommodation

Prohibited Employment For Children of Compulsory School Age A child of any age may not be employed:

  1. in a cinema, theatre, discotheque, dance hall or night club, except in connection with a performance given by children
  2. to sell or deliver alcohol, except in sealed containers
  3. to deliver milk
  4. to deliver fuel oils
  5. in a commercial kitchen
  6. to collect or sort refuse
  7. in any work which is more than one metre above ground level or, in the case of internal work, more than one metre above floor level
  8. in employment involving harmful exposure to physical, biological or chemical agents
  9. to collect money or to sell or canvas door to door
  10. in work involving exposure to adult material or in situations which are for this reason otherwise unsuitable for children
  11. in telephone sales
  12. in any slaughterhouse or in that part of any butchers shop or other premises connected with the killing of livestock, butchery or the preparation of carcasses or meat for sale
  13. as an attendant or assistant in a fairground or amusement arcade or in any other premises used for the purpose of public amusement by means of automatic machines, games of chance or skill or similar devices
  14. in the personal care of residents in any residential care home or nursing home

Additional Conditions No child may be employed in any work out of doors unless wearing suitable clothes and shoes. In the case of a child who makes use of a bicycle for the purpose of his employment (ie, newspaper rounds), lights, helmets, and reflective clothing should be used and the general roadworthiness of the bicycle should be checked by the employer.

Employment Cards It is the employer’s legal responsibility to apply for an Employment Card within four days of the start of employment. Notification by Employer forms are available from Education Welfare, Child Employment, Tower Building, Lower South Road, St Leonards On Sea TN37 6RH (Tel: 01424 720702) NB: The Association of British Insurers have stated that unless a child is registered with their local authority, they may not be included under the employer’s liability insurance.

Hours of Work Children may not work before 7 am or after 7 pm on any day.

School Days Children may only work a maximum of two hours on a school day between either 7 am and 8 am or the close of school and 7 pm No child may work more than 12 hours per week in term time (this includes weekend work).

Sundays Children may work a maximum of two hours on a Sunday between 7 am and 7 pm. Saturdays & School Holidays Age 13 & 14 may work a maximum of five hours between 7 am and 7 pm. Age 15 until the end of year 11 (last Friday in June following 16th birthday) may work a maximum of eight hours between 7 am and 7 pm.

Breaks No child may work continuously for more than four hours without a rest break of one hour. It is recommended that children have more frequent breaks.

Holidays A child must have two consecutive weeks without employment each year during a school holiday.

This is for UK but can give you ideas. Hope this helped. x

Answer #12

i have a little bit of a problem when it comes to spending money and especially when it comes to making it so i want to know where i can make money if i live in Broken Arrow, oklahoma. And if you know of ways that i can make money fast then please e-mail me back at satarhat7@yahoo.com thanks a bunch goodbuy

Answer #13

I am takina advice from the person how said “iAM 13 YEARS OLD AND I GET $20 A WEEK FOR WORKING AT MY CORNER STORE STACKING SHOVLES?” thanks a lot I am going 2 mor to see if thay need healp thank you soo much…

Answer #14

Well, if you just ask around in a few stores and even get friends and family to write you a resamay and say that you are a good responsable teenager looking for a summer job to occupy yourself and even after summer if it’s not too much troble you can even work all year.

Write Me Back With Your Answer Derek Lover 1994 Over And Out

Answer #15

im gonna check out a bowling ally if that helps any body because I asked about a year or 2 ago I hope they still hire 13 year olds

Answer #16


Answer #17

A lot of you seem to be having some trouble… I know a majority of 13 and 14 year olds are not trusted by adults…they believe we are irresponsible. However, you should try and prove that you are responsible and have a high maturity level. Your parents must trust you, no? Have them assist you in making a flyer advertising services that you are able to perform. Include your phone number. Cut the bottom of the page into strips with your phone number on it so they can be plucked off the page, and the people will take it with them.

I made a flyer and posted it in public places (I.e. grocery store, train station, the town hall, stick it in mailboxes…etc.) within my town last year. I said I could perform yard work and help with watering as well as taking in mail. Even though I didn’t say I would do take care of animals, I received a call from a family who was going away for 2 weeks, and needed someone to feed their cat. Advertisments work out perfectly here! They gave me 7 dollars a visit (I was going to charge 5 dollars) and after the two weeks, I made about $130. I felt great- flyers really help you out. I just posted another one recently- I hope I get some calls! But just a note… . Plan your time carefully. Try not to be booked when opportunity come knocking at your front door! (Or calling your home.) . Offer jobs that you CAN do. I have no experience with dogs! Never owned one, not ever. And they require walking twice a day- something I have no time for, as with other animals, who only require you to feed them once per day. . Many adults prefer high school students to do professional yard work- only water plants indoor and outdoor and if you can, weed the lawn. . If someone calls you, do not answer immeadiately. Contact your parent(s) and tell him/her/them that you got a call. Return the call for the person in need of your service after consulting your parents first. . Be mature: sound as adult as you can, do not use slang or rude words, (never say ‘stupid’ because employers don’t like that)be outgoing and friendly. Also, if they ask you to take care of an animal you have no experience with, tell them that you’ve never taken care of that certain animal. They may show you the basics, as it is an animal really. NOTE: Never say you have never taken care of children. That worries parents. (this is only if your advertising a babysitting service)

Good luck 13 and 14-year olds with your future jobs.


Answer #18

13 & 14 year olds can go to millionarekids.com, afer all, I am 13 myself and have been looking also.

Answer #19

were can a 14 & 13 year old get a job

Answer #20

kids that can do artwork and crafts can sell on etsy it is a online store your parents will have to agree to and help you get set up but if they see you can make your own spending money they should be willing to help you get started. again it is etsy dot com once you are there just look for something you can do and then make a few and post them it is fun and easy. Check out the ACEO page search for playing card art have fun with a deck of cards you can make 52 and sell them for a 1.00 each you can make 52.00 on a .50 pack from the dollar mart! I use aceo cards as book marks and gift tags. Christmas is coming and gift tags are a must for Christmas if you can draw or paint you can really be creative on a 3x5 card cut in half too, which is cheaper then the deck of cards.

Answer #21

erm.. me and my friend dont no where to look and so we are a bit stook

Answer #22

13 yr olds should have baby sitting jobs to watch sweet cute lil kids like my siblings

Answer #23

you might wanne see if there is a place called job center in your town center or sumthing. I live in scotland in little town called inverness and in out town there is a place called job center. to be honest I never accualy went in there and cheacked a job for me, but I been with my mum and she did found a job. I’m planing to go there soon.

Answer #24

We’re kind of…well…banned from doing really tough jobs meant for slightly older kids. When you look at a lot of thirteen year olds, most won’t get off their lazy butts and work for even 4 minutes. Anyway, people, really listen to what I’m going to say:


It’s not hard at all, especially because kids are simple. Tune in to what they like, always say you like what they like, and parents are willing to pay a good amount of money for some responsible teenager to take care of their little darling.

Just watched out for temper tantrums…they stink. But if a kid throws a fit, just like a naughty puppy, ignore them. That’s all it takes. If kids start having a little tussle on the floor, break it up without yelling. Tell them they’re being ridiculous, and say it’s not cool. If it’s not cool to an older woman, then it’s cool to them. If it’s not cool to a teenager, then it’s definitely NOT COOL.

Little girls idolize older girl and vice versa. I had to say I liked rap to keep communication with some kids, but heck, I got paid and got called back 7 times. Made over 300 dollars now.

Hope this is helpful.

Answer #25

well when your 13 its kinda hard to get a job because you have to be 14 to get your working papers because most places require working papers to work.

but you can try: pet or baby sitting, lemonade/iced tea stands, mowing lawns and things like that

Answer #26

I really need help with finding a job what could I do realistically. im 13 years old. please name a list of things that would be helpful


Answer #27

where are jobs for 13 years old

Answer #28

pet HQ

Answer #29

nothing works anymore. the paper routes people dont call back or anything, the stores dont want you to work for them because of laws or thinking that kids are “unreliable”. this is starting to get to me. I cant do anything, this is very annoying. people dont know what some kids are capable of doing. maybe if one store employs you, you do well and that word spreads out towards other stores and we may actually do well in life. try saying”if I start now, ill be even better when I am of age to get a part time job of sorts”. that may help out in what ever you are trying to get for a job. try now and say that if you start ow in the future ill be better at my role in this company and be the head of whatever your working as…

Answer #30

babysittinq ?

Answer #31

some day cares let 13 year olds work, and some malls, just look around.

Answer #32


Answer #33

a lot of people in my neighborhoodhave dogs so I make a sign that says 3 dollar dog wash by a big tub that people use for drinks at parties,shampoo.Ohh and charge 50 cents extra if they wan’t no shed,coat shining or any thing else or you can do like a pet stand sell toys,food,shampoo,flea combs.

  • if you do the pet stand buy the things when they are on sale store them in a box and sell them when they are more expensive!
Answer #34


I have just turned thirteen in june, and I have been despratly been looking for a job.If anoyone knows a were to get onein hearvy bay plese answer me.


Answer #35

im 13 I aint got a job but I need one, but I mite b able to get a job at my dad’s work. he works at a golf course and I cood make $80 for 4 hours. so I mite try 2 do that, and if I can work at least 2-3 days a week I will b happy with that… but the bad thing is its only a summer-spring type of job. but it doesnt seem TOO hard, you just walk with the golfer to where they hit the ball. thats the whole job.

good luck finding a job

Answer #36

hi my name is reanne and im 13 years old and me and my friend need a job really BADDD!please leave some damn COMMENTS!

Answer #37

me and my friend car wash and we have a laminated sheet with the prices and we are getting a top with our logo so we are more professional. We earn around £6 a car. Little jobs like this can really help you earn money. Can anyone tell me any other fun jobs which earn good money.

Answer #38

I live in inverness to and I CANT find any thing

Answer #39

I live in scotland and cant get a job the papper round people dont ring back most of my friends have jobs but when I asked the places they work at and even other places they say that there job is full it is sooo anoying can any one help with some good websites

Answer #40

You’ll have to ck the laws in your area - may require a permit..some ideas: hireahelper.com

Baby sitting Paper route Dog walking Grocery store Lemonade stand Paint House number on street curb House sitting City, County, State and other government-run Youth Programs Vacation and Tourism spots Hotels/Resorts Parks and recreational areas Swimming pools, golf courses and campground facilities Day and summer camps Amusement/Theme/Entertainment parks Museums, Zoos and Aquariums Airport concession firms Childcare and Eldercare providers Health care facilities Business services (including) Moving and packing companies Pool and spa companies Lawn care and other maintenance companies Construction companies Movie theaters Fast food and restaurant establishments Ice cream parlors, juice bars Clothing and accessory stores Newspaper / Magazine Distribution

Wish you the best !!

Answer #41

at 13 theres nothing but under the counter work you r 2 young

Answer #42

i think none

Answer #43

yes you can get a job at the age of the BIG 13. wow you can be a lot of things you just have to be very dedicated to what you do, and work hard for your money. there are jobs you can find you just have to willing to what ever it takes to get there and work your best to do so.

I hope this advice is good to help the 13 year olds who want to get paid to

Answer #44

U can work at any braums in Oklahoma but you gotta get a working permit. Babysitting Raking leaves

I don’t know

Answer #45

Yes I am 13 also who needs to find a job over the summer of 2009 (:P xD )aannnywhooo back to my request I live in Canada , Ontario , near the Toronto/Hamilton/Oakvile/Burlington (xD hahah not gonna say which city tho :p so I wont get stalked XD Lmao) area fairly close and I reaally need a job and fast! so please please plzzz reply because im trying to buy a bike because I always have to do errands for my mom and its sssooo tiring having to walk and walk and walk and… etc so itd be sooo convenient to have a bike and its good for me too :D so please reply much appreciated - Anonymous Girl :D ^.^ :o) =-) =0) hehe xD BYE!!!

Answer #46

I am so stuck!!! someone can you please help. my brother is earning heaps by working at McDonald’s and I dont get pocket money.je always seems to be getting all the good gift cards well all the gift cards and I dont get a thing!!! what can I do to earn money so we both can spend it and so that he doesnt tease me because he got something really cool and I wanted it too but I didnt have the money now you can see why I need HELP!!!

Answer #47

theres babysiting pet walking selling baked goods lemonade stands on hot days and car washing and others if you really think about it im 13 and me and my best frnd sell decorated holiday and normal cookies at my moms job

Answer #48

I would like to work in either a grocery store or a hairdresses or in a movie therter or even clothing and accessory stores but cann a 13 year old work there tough tha is all I wanna know then I mite ask around for one of thoughs jobs

thanks xxx

Answer #49

its alrite for you lot you live in america I live in the uk and you cannot do anything til you have a thing called your national insurence number and I really need the money what can I do

Answer #50

13 year olds in the U.K need to get a work permit before they get a job (school can probably provide one) 13 year olds can work in fast food restaurants or normal restaurants but are not allowed 2 work in kitchen you can when your 14 tho your not supossed to work in offices you can do random jobs tho like babysitting, washing cars, paper rounds e.t.c. your only allowed 2 work from 7am-7-pm on schooldays (including sunday) you can only work 4 2 hours school can take permit off you if your not doing well enough at school well thats what happens at my school I am 13 2 but family has a buisness so I just help out there randomly 2 earn more money go 2 a place where you get tips as well as normal wages your not allowed 2 work anywhere where you cud injure urself at 13 its well unfair because hardly any people trust 13 year olds with jobs when we’re just as gud as older people probably better because we’ve got more energy so can do jobs faster I carnt wait till im 16 and an earn sum gud money as much as I want!!! its going to b gr8!!!

Answer #51

you can do a babysit or work in your parents’ company. But you don’t have to work to gain experience, live it up. do what a normal teenagers do. (China Electronic Payment Device http://en.qianzhan.com/report/detail/86a46f2ca8f0414d.html)

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