Can I get pregnant and have a baby at 13?

M 13 and very lonely I dont have a mom and my dad and sister’s are mostly gone and when I see my friend taking care of her baby it makes me sad I know I want a baby but im afraid about sex cause im a virgin and about how whould my dad take it if I do become pregnant cause he always said if me or my older sister gets pregnant then he whould kick us out and I know I can take care of it cause ever since I was 7 i’ve been taking care of my baby sister plez respond I really need someone to talk 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Answer #1

listen here young lady i’m not in the position to tell you about having a baby cuz i’m about to have one,but i can say that i’m in love and i know thatt i will be able to support my child. don’t make a mistake that you can;t undo you will have to take care of a child and you are still a child, get a barbie doll instead!!

You are still a child yourself, maybe you are feeling lonely cuz ur not getting the attention you seek but dat doesnt mean you hav to hav a baby!! nd u say ur ready cuz u’ve been takin care of your younger sibling but NOT all kids are the same!! its much easier to deal with sum one elses kids than your own becuz at the end of the day dey dnt stay with you!! trust me u will regret it if you do get pregnant now becuz you still havnt expericend life!! you still hav a long way to go!!


Answer #2

Hey - let me tell you something - Getting pregnant at 13 is NOT A GOOD IDEA. If your dad says he’ll kick you out, he probably will. Your boyfriend / the guy you had sx with, will probably ditch you so you won’t have ANY help raising your child and yes, you probably have a little experience but believe me, not enough to raise a child on your own. Your dad won’t help you, if he says he’d kick you out. You’d have to quit school and start a real, full time job. Where would the baby go? You’d be working all day and what’s worse is that there are no jobs for 13 year olds.. Unless it’s babysitting or petsitting.. So how will you raise money to take care of your child? You’ll live on the streets, right? YOU’RE TOO YOUNG. Right now, this is the time for hanging out with friends, not having sx. PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE. This is NOT a good choice! You have to look at all the consequences of having this child? The baby will be crying all night, you won’t get any sleep, you won’t have a proper education, and without a proper education, you can’t get any jobs or go to any colleges or universities. DO NOT DO THIS. Please.

Answer #3

i would suggest not getting pregnant. it will make your life alot harder. i kinda want a baby too but i am not gonna go have s*x. I am going to wait for the right time and i think you should too. it would be really hard to care for your child on the street if you get kicked out.

Answer #4

Your baby’s father would be a pedophile!

..Ever thought about that?

Answer #5

ayo shawty you too young to be thinking bout gettin pregnant you dont need a baby at yo age me im 16 and i got a baby he 1 yr and 4 months and i love him to death but i aint gonna lie its hard to support him my baby mama 18 and she even says sometimes she wished she woulda waited a couple years

Answer #6

you dont have a kid to love you.. you must want to have one to love the baby.. ur 13, thats insane.. dont waste ur precious youth talking care of a child

Answer #7

sorry to say it to ya but that’s a bad idea, my mom had all her 7 kid’s cus she was lonely and you should’nt have kid’s becus of that, it’s too much to deal with TRUST ME,

Answer #8

don’t have a baby

Answer #9

Who are you going to get to father this baby? Have you seriously really thought this thing through? I honestly dont think you have the slightest clue about everything involved!

I can understand looking forward to the day you do and thinking about that day.. but truly desiring to get pregnant now… For one your body is not yet ready to have a child, so either it will hurt you very badly and/or you will have to have a cesarian which is major surgery and takes weeks of recovery. You cannot drive therefore you would have to depend on someone else to take you to your doctor’s appts and someone to take you to your baby’s doctor appointments. You don’t have a job so you will not be able to afford these doctor’s appointments, food for this baby, diapers, toys, bathing utensils and necessities, wipes, blankets, clothing, etc. No one will hire a 13 year old either.

What are you goign to do for the rest of your life?

Think about this… does a baby deserve to have physical problems because his/her mother was too young to actually carry them in her uterus for the full 9 months? And what will you do for those medical bills that build up during that time– do you deserve to be in dept thousands of dollars? Does a baby deserve to starve, be cold, have no diapers, and no place to sleep because his/her mother wanted to have them without thinking of them (this baby)? Does this baby deserve to have a mother who is going to be so emotionally exhausted by the time he/she is 4-5 years old because of the mental strain this could cause to you? NO to all of those!

Whos going to watch the baby when you are in school 8 hrs/day 5 days/week?

I think you want someone to love you, accept you, and want you no matter what. And you think a baby can do that for you, but a baby is dependant on you 24 hours a day including 2 am feedings, 365 days a year, even when you want to go the mall with your friends! A baby is a huge responsibility, emotionally, physically, and financially! If you want someone to follow you, accept you, depend on you, and love you at the end of every day.. then get a puppy!

Don’t wish your life away.. you only live it one time.

Answer #10

OH, Princess, I really feel sorry for you. What you don’t understand is that you are the baby. What you really need is someone to love and take care of you. What you need is two parents with you in a proper home setting. Two parents who really take an interest in you. I wish I could solve that one for you but I can’t unless you want me to adopt you. Think about it..what you are proposing to do is to create a situation for another child that is even worse than the one you are in. That would be a very mean and selfish thing to do. There are already far too many lonely unloved children in the world even in the rich country that you live in. Ok, I have an idea. It has been said that if you are lonely the best cure is to find someone else who is lonely and be their friend. Lets take it to the max, why don’t you find a young girl like your self who has a baby and be a friend to her. I’m sure she will be glad to share it with you and she needs a break anyway. I guarantee you won’t be lonely anymore and you will learn a lot from her experience. Please try it and let us know how it works out. A very caring Colt.

Answer #11

sweet heart u r 13 years old u should be thinking bout ya education and otha things like that instead of thinkin bout having a baby, u r so young boo boo think about what type of sports ya gonna play when ya get in high skool, u aint even in high school and u sitting here thinking bout how to bring anotha life in this world of sinfulness, baby gurl go get on a computer and stop waisting ya time on stinking thinking, a idol mind is the devils workshop, remember that and apply it to ya life, you can be thinking bout what cha wanna be when u grow up instead thinkin of that nonsense so don’t ever let the devil make a fool out of u again to ask something like that lil mama, whenever u need to talk all u gotta do is fun mail me and i will respond, make something out of ya self and stop putting bad lables on ya self like sexy beast of the east, that aint good try to make something out of ya life be the next female president!! holla at cha gurl, i always tell me educated by birth and ghetto by choice!!143

Answer #12

sweet heart u r 13 years old u should be thinking bout ya education and otha things like that instead of thinkin bout having a baby, u r so young boo boo think about what type of sports ya gonna play when ya get in high skool, u aint even in high school and u sitting here thinking bout how to bring anotha life in this world of sinfulness, baby gurl go get on a computer and stop waisting ya time on stinking thinking, a idol mind is the devils workshop, remember that and apply it to ya life, you can be thinking bout what cha wanna be when u grow up instead thinkin of that nonsense so don’t ever let the devil make a fool out of u again to ask something like that lil mama, whenever u need to talk all u gotta do is fun mail me and i will respond, make something out of ya self and stop putting bad lables on ya self like sexy beast of the east, that aint good try to make something out of ya life be the next female president!! holla at cha gurl, i always tell me educated by birth and ghetto by choice!!143

Answer #13

Sweetie, a baby needs a parent who is able to:

~ teach from personal experience and guide along a wise path ~ afford the huge financial burden ~ provide a safe, warm and happy atmosphere ~ discern who best can babysit ~ love herself first before bringing another little life into this world.

Please use this strong mothering desire in the context of minding others’ kids. No, it won’t be ‘the same as your own’, but it will help you see what an enormous responsibility the mother has.

Make a list of the things the child/ren’s mother does:

~ does she work? if so, at what? is SHE able to afford to be a mom? ~ how much time does the mother spend doing housework, or does she have a maid? ~ is school in the picture yet? Does Mom help with that? … Are you thinking this through, or do you just think having a baby will fix your loneliness? IF YOU DO THIS, YOU CAN NO LONGER BE FREE.

Answer #14

im 18 and about to have a baby that i didnt ask for. im hardly ready for it at 18 and im out of high school. im keeping it, because i cant bring myself to get an abortion and i dont want to give it up for adoption because its growing inside of me and, well, that causes a bit of attatchment. im also not sure if im going ot have the support of the guy who helped get me into this situation. hes a year older than me and hes even more not ready for this than me. he broke up with me because of it, and i dont know if that will change. he says he still wants to help with the child but he seems to be trying to find anyway to make it not real. my family is incredably behind me on this, my mother had me when she was 18, and im confident that i will make it work. im so greatful to be out of school, but between my mothers not so hott salary and what me and the father are bringing home from our part-time jobs i do not expect this to be the least bit easy. just dont put yourself through this. it looks like a good way out now, a baby seems like it would make a good companion, but theres so much more to it than that. and its not something managable when your 13. especially if you would get kicked out of the house. if you were to get pregnant you would be setting yourself up for a long, hard life, probably on the streets. if, by chance, your already pregnant i cant recommend abortion but put that baby up for adoption.

Answer #15

look you are to yong to have a baby its not a good idea just to get prenaget cause you are loney im sorry if im being harsh but you should wait till you are older and have a better reason to have one

Answer #16

Getting pregnant at 13 is not a good idea. When I was 13 I wanted a baby as well, someone to love and take care of. I didn’t do anything about this as I was a virgin and was also scared… At 14 I was date raped by a so called friend, and I ended up pregnant. Well even though it wasn’t planned I could never have given my baby up (babies it was twins) my body wasn’t ready and I lost my twins (girl & boy) they were stillborn at 7 months. I was devastated. After that I really did want to have a baby but I knew I was not ready. To help me wait I set goals for myself to accomplish first. I looked into all of the costs involved in having a baby and decided I at least needed a job first… Then I had to be in love, have a car, graduate high school. As I accomplished each thing my goals grew further. At 18 I got pregnant again and lost the baby at 4 months. So I decided I needed to have it all first! Husband, house, cars, dog, money. So I could give my children the very best life I could… Well at 19 I met my Husband (29), we fell in love right away, lived together for three years before getting married and then got pregnant shortly after. We have been married for 3 years now and have two beautiful daughters. My first is 2 years old and my second is 2 months old. I am so happy I waited, I know I can give my daughters everything they deserve! I could not be happier or more in love with my family. I love my husband and having our daughters together made us even more in love with eachother, you deserve that too! Please wait, set goals for yourself. Be responsible, a child needs a good home, family, and every opportunity in life!

Please wait!

Answer #17

… one more thing: if you get pregnant, the father can be convicted of statutory RAPE, since you are under age. If he’s under age too, think about what that will do to his life!

think it through…life is too precious.

I’m sorry you’re feeling so lonely. Here’s a hug … (((you)))

Answer #18

Well, if you WANT to get kicked out of your house and try to take care of a baby with no money and no place to live, than yes, I guess you could technically get pregnant. I’m not saying that it’s a good idea, cus it’s not. Pregnancy is an expensive thing. It costs about $30,000 to raise a child until the age of 18 now days. I doubt you’re even close to that amount.


Answer #19

Your mind should be on totally other things than what its on. You should be outside playing with your friends, going to the park, playing softball, and even playing house (no, NOT that kind of house). You are way too young to be thinking this way. Please talk to someone face to face soon.

Answer #20

My best advice would be don’t get pregnant evan if yoou think your ready phsically and emotionally your not. So i’d wait till your at least 17. I know i sound crazy but its most likely the best thing you could do.

Answer #21

I really think you shouldnt get pregnant. You’re way too young. And if your dad kicks you out, then where are you going to go? Just make friends. Good friends who will give you good advice. Or if you want to talk more email me at

Answer #22

sweetheart…dont have a baby at 13 that is way to are still a baby too. you may have been babysitting since you were 7 but you didnt have to buy all the things that your sister needed. When you have a baby you have to buy everything. Take this adive please. I am 16 and im 5 months pregnant. Im not ready to become a mom, but the father is with me through it all. We are not sure how we are going to handle a baby boy. Also if you are afraid to have sex…then you are not ready for a baby. 13 is just way to young, live your life and then when you are older like in your 20s please…then you can have a baby. You need a really good job to support your child. Well I hope you will listen to this. Make the right choice. Kelly

Answer #23

It’s more than just feeding it & s*it. You’re thirteen, you CAN’T get a JOB. Except babysitting, but you need to watch your child before you watch somebody elses. It’s up half the night crying. You don’t have anyone to help, as you said, you’re dad & sisters are usually gone. You’re thirteen. Chill out & wait. I know you’re lonely, or so you say, but a BABY, ANOTHER LIFE IN YOUR HANDS, is not going to help that. Just talk to your family & let them know you’re feeling lonely. Dont try & get pregnant, trust me. It’s not worth it this young.

Answer #24

I think you should really think about it! If your having doubts its prolly not a good idea but I think that if you do decide tooo then here is what I think There are places to go to if you get pregnet they help with shelter food clothes formula diapers and help get on medicaide! call 1-800-448-3000… They will talk to you and give you more options and then with the pregnancy go to umm look up clinics in your local phone book! You will be able to get help if you need it My sister in law was 15 and now she is a mom of 4 and is sooo happy. How old is your friend?

Answer #25

Hey I’m here or you. A friend in my town got pregnant at age 17. The faather wasn’t arrested because she pleaded not to arrest him. Anyway she can’t do anything she hates it. She loves her daughter but she tells everyone if she could go back and change 1 thing in her life that would be it. She said she would rather go to college she loves her daughter and you need to know that. But is it really that smart? (Oh and by the way just beside that the first person you have s*x with you share a speacial connection with or the rest of your life. Then you could never love your husband as much as you need to) When you’re good and ready you can but remember to ask yourself is this right?

Answer #26

well im 13 myself and I got pregnant..not because I wanted to ..but by surprise.. it is very hard because my babii boy is now 3 months and my mom just kicked me out and I dont knoe what to do..but in your case if yuor sis is over 18 she may be able to support ya

but I recommend you not to get pregnant just do it when you are readii..I beg u!

life is rough you knoe and now im happi but im gettin my babii father support im stayion in skool and I am looking foard to a good life with my new family.

also..we are too young we can die..I just got lucky but I had a high risk prengancy and this means the babi and urself can dies..or one on the other

also be careful..u dont want to make your life harder than it alreadii is ;->

hop3 you listen to me ..take care

Answer #27

you can have a kid when your 11, but u shouldn’t want. Look You Barely Can Take Care Of Your Self At 13. I Want Kids But not right now. it maybe something you want to accomplish to get a good job. your not eve in high school yet. you have high school , and then college if decide to go which you should, and being that you both have needs. like the baby needing a mother its going to be an arm and a leg, and your trying to go to school. which you’ll need. look around and abserve see how many peopla at young ages are having kids. what is it doing for them?

Answer #28

I agree with everyone else. You should NOT be considering a baby. I feel bad that you’re lonley so talk to your family about how you feel. If your family doesn’t listen consider getting a pet. Pets are a great way to have fun and if you want one thats trained so you don’t need to do any work, adopt an older one from a shelter. If pets are a no go have your friends over more often or go somewhere with them, but a baby, never! Wait till your older, much older for a desicion like that.


Answer #29

oh my goodness. if you are lonely sweetie talk to someone but dont have a baby. i know you would love it and it would give you something to cherish but u could never take care of it taking care of your own baby is nothing like taking care of your baby sister. especially if you get kicked out. where would u live, how would u buy him/her everything it needs! A baby requires lots of money, and time, and you need to have knowledge of life, please, this will not stop u from being lonely sweetie,

Answer #30

I respect you for being a virgin. I am your age too and am one also. I am going to wait till I am married because the Bible said so

Answer #31

don’t do it!! you’re way to young!! please wait, you have your hole life ahead of yourself to have a baby!! please wait! ~HANNAH~

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