how do i ask him out?

he’s a really nice guy and tons of fun, I just need a way to ask him out. he’s in a lot of my classes in school, I hang out with him at lunch, I hang out with him and a few other friends outside of school and I walk part of the way home with him and a few other people. I’ve been feeling a lot of emotions for him lately and the tension is killing me as I really wanna ask him out but I always chicken out at the last minute, and I can never seem to get him alone. what should I do? any advice for a shy, emotional girl? thanks.

Answer #1

Give him a note, since you can’t seem to get him alone. Give him a note with your name and number on it. Tell him to call or text you. Have a conversation or two, then ask him how he feels about you. If the feelings are mutual, who knows maybe HE will ask YOU out, instead of the other way round. Good Luck, xxox

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