How similar are people as a whole?

Not just the physiological, but the cognitive as well. Do people tend to think and react in similar ways under certain circumstances?

Just a little annecdote: My professor in this course I was taking had us write a number that, if I remember right, had to be between 1 and 4 and, again, if I remember right… A lot of people chose 2.

Which begs the question, how similar are we?

Answer #1

We are all born similar. With more or less similar features. We have the same internal systems and same external ones. . The difference in us and our way of thinking, being and perceiving reality comes from:

  1. Social conditioning
  2. Environmental influence
  3. Parental conditioning
  4. Situations and circumstances we face That’s really what causes the difference in different individuals of the human species.
Answer #2

Personally I think we are all conceived the same- a blank canvas. It’s our environment while in the womb and after birth that shapes us into who we are today. Our fears, opinions, likes and dislikes are all as a result of the style of our upbringing whether we like it or not. We are all made up of the same stuff, we have the same body.. same organs that all work the same but we are all wildly different and that all comes from our brain. How we perceive things, how we react to situations, our confidence levels, mental illnesses.. all in our brain. I think that everybody reacts differently to different circumstances and it just depends on our life experience and again, upbringing. We can be trained on how to react- ie a medical doctor arriving on the scene of a car accident would have a much different reaction to just a normal person coming across the accident. But that has nothing to do with the doctor’s upbringing, it’s only because he has been trained on how to react. So this is why I believe that as humans we can learn and be trained in anything. From reactions, to confidence levels, and how to remain level headed etc.

That’s just my answer to your question, but this is a question that will have many many different answers! All because different people percieve and read things differently!

- By the way Hi Miguel!!!!

Answer #3

There are very many things that are common to all mankind, yet individually, we are fearfully and wonderfully made….there is no-one exactly like you..ever existed..or will ever exist again……

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