How to get over boyfriend's past?

Answer #1

U have to accept them for who they are to u and if u can see past it then ur not really in it for him

Answer #2

Put the Past..IN the Past….proceed with caution/eyes wide open….be happy !

Answer #3

You don’t. If you really like him accept him for who he is and not what you want him to be. If you don’t your not going to be happy and you guys probally won’t last long.

Answer #4

Since you can’t change his past, you just have to continue his life with you in it. That should make a difference. Just accept him and don’t try to change him because he is who he is. Every couple needs to support each other no matter what.

Answer #5

get a another boyfriend

Answer #6

You can’t change his past, and if it’s something minor, why worry? Unless he was a rapist who just got out of jail or something. My husband can’t go to Canada for 10 years due to a bar fight, but that didn’t stop me from loving him. Everyone has a past.

Answer #7

my problem is that i cant stop getting jealous. I want to stop being jealous, and how do i do that?

Answer #8

my problem is that i cant stop getting jealous. I want to stop being jealous, and how do i do that?

Answer #9

my problem is that i cant stop getting jealous. I want to stop being jealous, and how do i do that?

Answer #10

my problem is that i cant stop getting jealous. I want to stop being jealous, and how do i do that?

Answer #11

my problem is that i cant stop getting jealous. I want to stop being jealous, and how do i do that?

Answer #12

my dear I know is not easy to do so but you can do it so easily by just forgetting about the past like loving him the he is, close your eyes on any bad thing or when he goes wrong either than that you will remember the past. Also do well to creat jokes when trying to remember the past. Always try to show him love by kissing him,massaging him,etc and always have positive mind about him and I think you will get over his past. ok

Answer #13

people get jealous. that’s life. that’s how people move ahead. but if he’s doing something that makes you jealous, ask him to stop. if its that he’s had a bunch of female friends or girlfriends that he hangs out with, tell him that makes you jealous and he’ll probably tell you not to worry about it. just relax about it and put it out of your mind.

Answer #14

It’s the past! It made him who he is today. He’s with you because he wants to be with YOU!

Answer #15

just stop talking to them then or u can just fine someone els and know u can find someone better or just get them jealous back

Answer #16

just stop talking to them then or u can just fine someone els and know u can find someone better or just get them jealous back

Answer #17

did you ask him about his past or did he just tell you? if you asked, then you have no right to feel bad about it. it is in the PAST. if he told you then why is he?

Answer #18

talk to him about it, he’ll let you know that its all in the past and that stuff doesnt matter anoymore

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