How do I reconnect with my boyfriend?

we both love eachother but wev been feeding of negative energy from eaother if tht makes sence, like i have alot of problems just from stuff thts been in my past and i have abadinment issues and i freak if he does something and i take it the wrong way and in return he pushes me away when i do tht and i feel the need to freak out evn more when he does its a cycle and we both know its not healthy, how do we get the love back tht we had befor?

Answer #1

sounds like me an my gf for real been with her for three years and jsut been crazy to get the love bak together go out together like to the mall to go walk around an spend time together to get the love bak

Answer #2

thats the problem, my parents hate him they dont iv been dateing him.

Answer #3

why they hate him?

Answer #4

he screwd up his first impretion…they day he met my parents he showed up stoned out of his mind and my parents are die heart christian!

Answer #5

if you cant connect with your bf and both dont seem to be the way you used to be, maybe it wasnt ment to be. when your around him if theirs no love all your really left with is a mate?

Answer #6

when im with him and hes with me all ther is is love we cant stop smileing and jokeing with each other its just when wer apart is when we tend to fight. useually over txt message

Answer #7

dumm niga no offense its str8 to get stoned but do it after he meets your parents an you smoke to and ik what yall can try to do is prove your parents wrong he gota step up an prove your parents wrong cz they probably think he all he do is smoke an stuff an not good

Answer #8

yall fight wen yall away an stuff but when yall together its a different story ik what you saying an were you comeing from but the thing is not to let dum things get to yall represent yall love to the fullest

Answer #9

You need to get to the root of the problem. What is it that he does that always causes you to freak? What is it that makes you always feel the need to freak? Is there a reaccurring problem between the two of you that sparks up fights, disagreements etc? You two really need to put your heads together to try to figure out all the problems and to figure out a solution. What you aid about always fighting when you guys are apart. Sounds a lot like my relationship a long while back. We solved things though, it took a while, we talked a lot figured out our problems, and both made A LOT of effort. That’s what you two need to do. He needs to want this as much as you do though, and he needs to be willing to try just as much or else it won’t go anywhere.

Answer #10

Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with your bf? if not, is it worth sticking around?

Go take care of yourself, get fit, get spiritual, get to know God. He will show you things about yourself that no one else can.

Your beautiful. Your the crown jewel of some lucky mans heart. A man that wants to take you on an adventure, one that he can’t do without you.

You will find him when you know God and love people that you don’t think deserve it.

You will live a long, enriched, and happy life with God by your side.

Answer #11

you both need to sit down 2gether and have a heart to heart conversation about wat is going on between the two of u and share ur thoughts and listen to eachother than discuss those problems..remember both of you might need to compromise on certain stuff but remember as soon as ur relation reconnects nothing would ever matter..make sure he is willing to reconnect wid u otherwise it is awl useless but dnt lose hope..try ur best..jus b confident nd confront ur bf regarding ur insecurity =] gud luckkk…..

Answer #12

When he does something that you don’t like try not to freak out. trust me I do it all the time. But I realized that when he does do something that bothers me I just try to relax and wait to talk to him about it untill I am calmer. Sometimes just thinking about it for a while makes me realize that the reason why I got mad was not a big deal. Just try not to freak out. I know how you feel !!

Answer #13

Patience Time heals everything , give it time .

Answer #14

The best way to refresh any relationship, be it romantic or friendship is to have new experiances together, just do something that you don’t normally do on a day-to-day basis. For example, go to a concert together, try a different resturant, put youself in a situation that is bond to lead to something hilarious. You will find that the more experiances you have together the more you have to talk about, the more things you have in common and aslo you shine when you do something new, your entire personality comes to life.Then your boyfriend will be reminded of how fun and great you are, be truely reminded of why he fell for you in the first place.

Answer #15

Nice Answer

Answer #16

Talk to each other..let him know how you feel and encourage him to express himself. Open communication is a good start for solving problems.

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