How did this birthday riddle happen?

This is a real-life riddle that I thought some of you might find interesting. Today is my birthday, and it’s also my wife’s birthday. It’s the first time ever (and probably the last time during our lifetimes) that our birthdays fall on the same day! How did it happen?

Answer #1

Your birth DATES are one day apart. today, for the first time, you are both stood close together, but on opposite sides of the international date line, e.g. on a ship, such that the two ends of the ship technically have different dates - you are stood at the end that is on your birth date, and she is stood at the other end where it is her birth date. Previously, and in all probability in the future, you are unlikely to be standing on opposite sides of the date line. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #2

Lol, cute. But we are nowhere near the international date line. Which is sort of a shame, because going out on an international date together would be a nice way to celebrate.

Answer #3

Similar thing then - but you are in different time zones - with one being just before midnight (say 23:30 on one date) and the other being just after midnight (say 00:30 on the following date) - you are both experiencing the same “nighttime” of one day but you are experiencing it from the point of view of different “legally defined dates and times. If one of you walked from the later time zone to the earlier time zone, you would not (of course) really “go back in time” - but at a formal / legal level that person would be going back to an earlier date.

Answer #4

No, we could be all wrapped around each other (and I hope we will be!), and it would still be the same. But you did make me think of another clue (though it may just further confuse you): While our birthdays fall on the same day this year, they aren’t quite identical; rather, they have a about a 19.5 hour overlap. There were about 4.5 hours of my birthday before hers began, and there will be about the same amount of her birthday remaining when mine ends.

Answer #5

No, we could be all wrapped around each other (and I hope we will be!), and it would still be the same. But you did make me think of another clue (though it may just further confuse you): While our birthdays fall on the same day this year, they aren’t quite identical; rather, they have a about a 19.5 hour overlap. There were about 4.5 hours of my birthday before hers began, and there will be about the same amount of her birthday remaining when mine ends.

Answer #6

Ohh man I love this! Such a riddle! By the way, Happy Birthday! But I cannot guess how your birthdays are on the same day :S I would have guessed the international date line too… TELL ME THE ANSWERRRRR!!

Answer #7

I will, I promise, but first I want to give more people a chance to try and figure it out :)

Answer #8

Either the husband or wife was born in China and therefore uses the Chinese Calendar, while their spouse uses the Gregorian calendar.

Answer #9

You’re on the right track!

Answer #10

C’mon guys, this should be enough of a clue for anyone who knows me even a little bit to get it, lol.

Answer #11

tell me the answer?????

Answer #12

Ok, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Besides, DrBill almost put his finger on it. Except it’s not the Chinese calendar. My wife celebrates her birthday by the Gregorian calendar (that’s the name of the common one that we’re all familiar with). I celebrate mine on the Hebrew (or Jewish) calendar.

I didn’t use to do that, until one year I just happend to check and see when my Gregorian birthday fell on the Hebrew calendar in the year I was born, and discovered that it was the 17th day of the month of Nisan - which means I was born on the third day of Passover! I never knew that growing up (my family isn’t as religious as I am), and I just think it’s sooo cool! So I switched, and I celebrate it during Passover every year now.

This year the third day of Passover just happened to fall on my wife’s Gregorian birthday!

Oh, and the reason they still weren’t 100% identical is that Gregorian days run from midnight to midnight, but Jewish days run from sundown to sundown (or nightfall).

We didn’t do anything very exciting, but we cuddled, and exchanged a couple of small, token gifts, and I made her favorite Passover breakfast: matzah brei (rhymes with fry), which is sort of like french toast made with broken up pieces of matzah. Yum! {=^D

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