Why do christains eat pork if...

Why do christains eat pork if in the bible it says you should not eat pig? Some body told me it says in the bible you shouldnt eat pig

Answer #1

The people in the Old Test. lived by rules and regulations, and dietary restrictions was a very large part of those rules, however, in the New Test. in Acts chapter 10, God shows Peter a vision, in which he shows him all manner of clean and unclean animals, and tells him to rise and eat.

Peter, following what he had known up to that point, refrains, by saying that he had never eaten anything unclean.

The Lord spoke back to him, and told him to never call anything unclean, that he had made clean.

He showed him this vision 3 times, to make sure he got it..

Later on in the chapter, Peter comes to realize that God is speaking of the animals being clean, and also, the people. He was leading Peter into the Gentile world, to bring his offer of salvation, and he was helping him to understand how to leave behind all the rules that he had once followed, because now, God himself had brought a better covenant, thru the offering of his son, Jesus Christ.

He became the sacrifice, once and for all, for all mankind. Anyone who desires to may come to him, and all the laws and rules and regulations have been me, thru the obedience of Jesus, for each and every one of us.

Having said all of that, if you study nutrition, you will find that eating large amouts of pork is not good for you, as it will raise your bloodpressure. And if you follow the dietary plan set forth in the Old Test. you will def. be healthier than if you do not.

God knew what he was doing, all the time.

Answer #2

It’s old testament which doesn’t apply anymore,because of the new testament. The laws changed.

Answer #3


I guess that’s just…the way it is.

(ha! why am I even answering…^_^)

Answer #4

This was all based on books of Jewish law. You’d have to look up where the Bible says it, but Christians believe that Jesus smashed most of those old laws and customs.

Answer #5

nightcrawler is right

7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.

courtesy: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2011;&version=31;

Answer #6

Oh, many christians select what parts of the bible they want to follow. If they agree with something in the old testament they follow that, if they don’t agree with something, they ignore it and use the excuse that Jesus broke with the OT laws.

I am jewish so I don’t eat pork. I am also a vegetarian and do not eat meat because of the horrible way the animals are treated by factory farming.

Answer #7

They aren’t pure christians if they eat pork, now if there were REAL christians then they wouldn’t eat it. I’m am a vegetarian! Seven Day Adventist is the true religion. And now people are lying about them. They are good holy people. I was once Catohlic but now I know the truth and Seven Day Adventist is the true religion. So be bless and forgiven by God and become a Seven Day Adeventist. The sooner the better. Please, God is waiting for you.

Answer #8

meat is good for you. maybe not pork but hcicken and turkey. eat up

Answer #9

Yes but I cant contact him till the next school year

Answer #10

Ok but I dont have the bible

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