Why does nobody care that we are destroying the earth?

Why does no-one seem to take Global Warming seriously? What if what scientists say is true?- What if it’s even worse? There’s evidence to say that ice caps are melting, yet nobody really cares. People leave electricity on, don’t bother to recycle etc…yet if global warming does bring about the end of the world, there’ll be plenty of people to complain and point the blame at others. We are slowly destroying the world that we share, slowly killing each other, so why do so many normal people just ignore it all?

Answer #1

They want money

Answer #2

because no one is understanding that they are actually hurting themself by hurting the earth

Answer #3

I do I don’t know why:( I guess people are crazy

Answer #4

90% of scientists AGREE that global warming is real and that its now. 90% of historians agree that people dont ever take any action until its too late. Need proof? WWII! Global warming vs human nature. Too bad for our children that our nature is selfish. Is this MY problem? No? Then too bad. It will all end in tears.

Answer #5

Also to those that say…”its only a theory”…?? Theres more than 12 people working on this “theory”! Litteraly thousands of scientists around the world consistantly say that the DATA suggests this theory. It just surprises me to no end how we think that millions and millions of tons of co2 that we pump into the air does nothing. How over fishing is no big deal and how we actually think that things will magically “get better”. We’re living on the threshold of something bad on an epic scale and we can congratulate our selves for this. Misinformation and oil company tatics have caused this generation more damage than it could possibly know. Our for-fathers killed the dodo and caused many species to go extinct with over hunting and recklessness, and we havent learned a thing.

Answer #6

scientists only have 300 years of weather related readings and such but the earth is 6.4 BILLION years old thats a lot about the earth we dont no also global warming is natural scients av said that becuase our orbit is not spherical its eliptical so when its close to our sun the planet gets really warm (GLOBAL WARMING) whn its right out we go into an ice age(GLOBAL COOLING) each eliptic orbit lasts 100,000 years there cnt be both global cooling and warming its contradictative also look at the “GREAT DYING” from the supercontinent PANGIA where 95%of life died and humans went on the planet then so every thing that happens on our earth happend millions and billions of years ago and will continue to happen millions and billons of years from now

Answer #7

scientists only have 300 years of weather related readings and such but the earth is 6.4 BILLION years old thats a lot about the earth we dont no also global warming is natural scients av said that becuase our orbit is not spherical its eliptical so when its close to our sun the planet gets really warm (GLOBAL WARMING) whn its right out we go into an ice age(GLOBAL COOLING) each eliptic orbit lasts 100,000 years there cnt be both global cooling and warming its contradictative also look at the “GREAT DYING” from the supercontinent PANGIA where 95%of life died and humans went on the planet then so every thing that happens on our earth happend millions and billions of years ago and will continue to happen millions and billons of years from now

Answer #8

Global Warming - is a theory. It’s not something that is proven yet.

There is NO evidence to support Global Warming.

Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly - .037 degrees Celsius

Changes in global temperatures are natural. There is no proof that temperature is affected by anything that man has done.

In fact, recent severe weather has been directly attributed to a natural phenomenon that occurs every so often called El Nino. It causes ocean temperatures to rise as tropical trade winds actually reverse for a time.

How about the reports that the polar ice cap is melting?

Well, yes it is. In fact, it has been for about a million years or so. We are at the end of the ice age in which ice covered most of North American and Northern Europe.

There’s at least one environmentalist, named Al Gore, who is panicking over the possibility that we may soon lose Glacier National Park in Montana because the ice is melting.

One hates to tell him that we’ve already lost the glacier that used to cover the whole country.


Answer #9

The Earth has warmed and cooled all by itself for millions of years! I think anyone who thinks we are causing this is completely ignorant to the facts of history! Did dinosaurs cause the Ice Age?… of course not. We can’t do a darn thing to this earth!!! It, however will do what it wants with us (humans) as it did from the beginning of time when it felt the need. We are just like fleas on a giant dog that chooses to take a flea bath once in a while. So it’s time for all the doom and gloomers to get a life, and understand the things we can not change while enjoying the time this Earth has let us “ride on it”

Answer #10

im new but let me say something that it is impossible to end or destroy earth or if you are refering to life on earth that is also impossible ( unless were hit with a supernova or gama ray burst) life isnt ending hell I say heat it up a little it will give us some time bout 200 years extra from the next ice age and by then we wont even be here (moved to mars or one of jupiters moons) now im not putiing down any kind of “green” tech I think we need wind solar and maybe nucular but until they can turn that waste into something harmless ( they need to use microbes hinting at futures) im against it im for algie oils because OIL WIL RUN OUT eventually we might have 50 or maybe 100 but it will run out and maybe this major in connivence will teach some of todays americans a good lesson when they are so damn inconvenienced by not being able to look cool or just drive to work and there will be “wiser use of resources BUT thats all in a matter of years not right now not moments and seconds its not in your front yard but will you be prepared for it when it is

Answer #11

There’s this video on youtube saying:

If we invest in Global Warming and it doesn’t happen, we will have wasted billions of dollars. If we invest in Global Warming and it does happen, then lucky us we saved Earth! If we don’t invest in Global Warming and it does happen, it’s the end of humans and many other species and life as we know it. If we don’t invest in Global Warming and it doesn’t happen, then we got lucky.

So really- If Global Warming turns out to not be real, and we’d tried to prevent it, we would only have wasted money. If it actually happens and we do not invest in it, then we’re destroying the whole human race.

What many people don’t understand or realize is the big picture. It’s the fact that it’s better to be safe, just in case. Like wearing a bike helmet or a seat-belt. There’s no way to predict an accident and so stay protected just in case! People use condoms if they don’t want kids because even if there’s no way to predict what will actually happen, you want to for sure prevent all chances of a kid being born.

You and I need to tackle those who say ‘’it’s only a theory’’ and show them that they are contributing to the possibility of the end of the human race and much more.

Answer #12

Considering that there is so little evidence to back up the doomsday claims of climate change and man-made global warming, I’d say you are looking at this issue completely backwards. The correct question would be, “Isn’t it great that so many normal people are trying to make positive changes to the way they live?”

And don’t confuse the end of the world with the end of humanity. Even if civilization collapses and humans start an inevitable slide towards extinction, the earth will keep turning just the same. It has survived greater catastrophes than we could ever throw at it and will still be here long after we are gone.

Answer #13

because they think this way: “it doesnt affect me” “its not gonna happen until way after my time”

then they go and enjoy their 6th big mac while they sit in their hummers in a dirty, littered parking lot :)

Answer #14

I believe it to be Climate Change that nature will adjust itself - I don’t buy into the ‘sky is falling / doom and gloom’ hysteria…Take care !!

Answer #15

People don’t like change. Simple as that. They don’t want to change the way they live because they’ve grown accustomed to it.

Answer #16

yes, global warming is happening and while there are a lot of people who care about it majority of them dont because there stubborn most of them will only realise that something is wrong when the time comes that so much damage has been donee, were all either doing to die, or major changes in the world will be forced to take place because of it …without that fear, people will continue to be stubborn and continue to think thats its either not happening or its going to happen in a few thousand years and wont affect them

Answer #17

scientists only have 300 years of weather related readings and such but the earth is 6.4 BILLION years old thats a lot about the earth we dont no also global warming is natural scients av said that becuase our orbit is not spherical its eliptical so when its close to our sun the planet gets really warm (GLOBAL WARMING) whn its right out we go into an ice age(GLOBAL COOLING) each eliptic orbit lasts 100,000 years there cnt be both global cooling and warming its contradictative also look at the “GREAT DYING” from the supercontinent PANGIA where 95%of life died and humans went on the planet then so every thing that happens on our earth happend millions and billions of years ago and will continue to happen millions and billons of years from now

Answer #18

You have to take a look at both sides, while one side of the earth gets warmer, the other side is cooling at record rates. This is just like the weather in my oppinion, some days are colder and some days are warmer. Is it so hard to believe that maybe the earth can go through cold periods and warm periods throughout the decades?

Answer #19

mandyloo, anyone can make a website. American Policy Center is “dedicated to the promotion of free enterprise and limited government regulations over commerce and individuals.” It seems to me their raison d’être is to oppose any and all regulation so they have a rather vested interest in global warming not being real.

Most climate scientists do believe that mankind is causing global warming. There is a fringe view that the climate is not warming or that the warming we are seeing is part of a natural cycle but the vast majority of climate scientists will look you in the eye and tell you global warming is real.

There is a lot of money to be made being a climate change skeptic. The industries who have the most to loose from carbon regulation are throwing a lot of money at any scientist or journalist willing to join their cause. The fact that the skeptics are so well funded makes that side look much larger than it in fact is.

Answer #20

1)some people think that cause since we arent gonna be there when its destroyed who cares,

  1. people cant afford hybrids
Answer #21

Global Warning is important and isn’t a theory . do u go to school wow d it can happen one day d , the earth will be destroyed and there will not be no entirely no life

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