Can drinking water only, instead of other drinks, make you lose weight?

Answer #1

do you mean just drinking water and not eating anything? If so that is completely unhealthy and dont even think about it. If you mean replacing other drinks with water than yes in some cases it will cause a person to drop some weight but it make take some time

Answer #2

yea, the second one is the one i meant aha.. not only going on sum water only diet.. aha

Answer #3

well, in can make you drop and faint. it’s only a short-term solution though and whatever weight you lose will always be gained back and even more. it’ll also put your body into starvation mode and you’ll end up burning less calories

Answer #4

Yes, of course…but make sure you’re getting the recommended amount of dairy somewhere (try yoghurt, cheese, etc. instead if milk). Honestly, I find juice and soda sooooo unnecessary =/ you’re just chugging a can of sugar- not healthy at all.

Answer #5

Keep a balanced diet on a water diet, you will need those vital nutrients from other healthy sources to get you through the day. Any drinks though with levels of high sugar and consumed in great quantities daily will surely contribute to your calorie count, and add to any weight gain even if you cut down on fatty foods.

Answer #6

If you drink a lot of soda then yes. Believe it or not, soda contributes to many people being overweight. Switch to water and you will lose some. I quit soda all together and have lost some from it

Answer #7

She ISN’T talking about a water diet. I don’t know how so many people could possibly misread this question. She means cutting out sodas and juices and such.

Answer #8

ohh uhm im not talkin bout the water diet.. thats stupid..

Answer #9

haha sorry, that was stupid of me. don’t know how i misread your question. but the answer to it is yes. you can lose weight if you only drink water, because it’s calories. if you want to lose weight, you can also try drinking tea because it can help boost your metabolism.

Answer #10

yess it can lol that and grapefruit juice it will drop pounds fast

Answer #11

are you serious? wehre can i get grapefruit juice?? is that even real? where can i get it?

Answer #12

yeaa at like doller general for 2 dollars my aunt and me and mom is on it i lost so far 4pounds in a week

Answer #13

wow that is so neat. i asked my mom last nite and she said ohh i know why your gettin it.. sum old wise tell.. i was like to lose weight?? aha but thnx im gettin sum tonite. :)

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