Don't you agree?

The only reason why I have a religion is because its kinda like a back-up plan in a way, I mean if you do die without a religion but only to find out there was a heaven and hell (or whatever you believe in) your pretty much screwed.

Now think about it and you know it makes perfect sense right?

Answer #1

no, I dont agree with you and dont beleive it makes any sense

Answer #2

uhm what if you believe in the wrong religion? then arent you in trouble any ways?

Answer #3

yeah I know, I used to think that, but it is too much of a bother to say you are that religion, if you don’t believe it…

Answer #4

Hm. I don’t agree. If I didn’t believe in something, I wouldn’t.

It’s not about having a backup plan for me, it’s more of just something that I chose to believe in.

You either buy it or you don’t.

Answer #5


do you really think God would punnish you if you honestly were totally ignorant of religion? I don’t.

even if you join a religion as “fire insurance”…heaven is more about having clean hands AND being pure in heart. that’s what part you’re missing. you’re not sincere…you’re just doing it because it looks good. if you don’t believe in it, there’s no point.

excellent question, by the way.

Answer #6

I don’t believe , I don’t need a back up plan, I am secure enough in my beliefs that I can face death without any doubts whether I chose the right way of thinking or not.

Answer #7

um no I dont because if you dont beleive it and have it as a back up plan thats not going to work. god cant be fooled. you either beleive or dont beleive

Answer #8

If there are any gods out there, why would they care whether or not you have a religion? Heaven and hell are just stories in books, no more real than Oz or Atlantis.

Answer #9’s not about having a back up plan…or having a “religion” just to make it to heaven…won’t get you there! Jesus knows the difference…because he knows our hearts. Jesus is the only way to the father…and the only way to get to heaven. You must confess your sins and receive him into your heart & life to gain salvation…and access to heaven!

Answer #10

there is a good video on just type in the search category - religious myths…it’s pretty amazing how like in history there have been 25-30 saviors. All had virgin mothers. All had 12 disciples All died on a cross All resurrected after 3 days. the video explains you are free to have fire insurance or not

Answer #11

If you’re suddenly killed you’ve got no time to implement plan B and receive Salvation - what makes sense is not to wait so you can be assured.

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