What's the best answer to the question "how are you" you've ever heard?

Answer #1

Cud u give more details

Answer #2

Me: How are you doing? Uncle: Better than a dog rolling around in chicken crap on a hot summer’s day.

^^^ I laughed so hard. And yes, I know it’s weird But he’s just an odd guy ^^^

Answer #3

If you ask my brother in law that he’ll say….”finer then a frogs hair”. I think it’s a down south expression, but funny to hear him say it.

Answer #4

Me: How are ya? Friend: I’m actually still trying to figure that out at the moment…how about you? hahah

Answer #5

Someone I know answers “how are you?” with “alive”

Answer #6

“I’m fine thank you. How about you?” :)

Answer #7

“Hodu HaShem ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo,” which translates roughly as “Give thanks to G!d for good, for His lovingkindness is forever.”

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