what does the color of...

what does the color of your poop mean,lol, I no its a wierd question, but just wondering:D

Answer #1

Just to expand on a couple of mandyloo’s answers…

Tarry black can often mean a bleed in the stomach. (Stomach acids digest the blood and turn it black and sticky)

Red in faeces can indicate a bleed in the intestines as at that point it has already below the stomach so blood will look fresh.

There is a good site here you may find interesting:



Answer #2

Brown - Typical color, normal.

Tarry Black - Reason for concern, excess iron in your system, possibly a bleeding ulcer, or internal bleeding.

Yellow - could be harmless or serious, it could be Gilber’s Syndrome which is harmless and just means that your body doesn’t break down as many red blood cells when you process food as a normal person. The serious one - Giardia infection, is caused by parasites in the intestines and causes yellow diareah.

Green - large amounts of green, leafy vegetables, green or purple artificial coloring (popsicles, Kool-Aid, gelatin) , iron supplements

Orange - Some medications, foods high in beta-carotene such as carrots, etc.

Red - Hemmroids, internal bleeding, large amount of beets.

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