Answer #1

Great question, indeed… Thinking of number of them following the number of people….Hhhmmm… I am afraid to tell but are they born when babies are born?

Answer #2

Satan is a fallen angel from the kingdom of heaven. In a literal snese none because he is supernatural and cannot bare children, but spiritualy probably billions, all of the “sinners” of the world.

*I do not personaly believe in all of this but it’s right im sure…i come from a very religous family.

Answer #3

Little Nikki.

Answer #4

He’s got demons. They’re like his helpers, but I’m sure the devil himself would consider them like children (not saying that he would treat them like children).

Answer #5

The Bible does not say anything about children of Satan and yes, like Katie says, he’s a fallen angel and therefore not the “child bearing” type but he does have many names and demons that worship him and carry out his every wish!!

Answer #6

Lol :)

Answer #7

In the context of God talking to Satan, Genesis 3:15 states:”And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between YOUR SEED and her seed”, and John 8:44, when Jesus was talking to the religious leaders back then: “YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth”. Does this answer your question?

Answer #8

lets put it this all satanist believe to be satans children:D

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