imma EXPLODE!!!

why is it that I keep my feelings and thoughts inside. I never share my feelings with anyone and I feel like I need to but I’m scared too. imma a scary baby haha

so how can I losen up to tell my feelings to people.. because then people think that I’m hiding stuff from them but really it’s just I don’t know how to express my feelings

thanks for those that help :D

Answer #1

dont explode cami:(

Answer #2

just straight up tell them exactly how you feel

Answer #3

I’ve been down that road before. The key is to share something small with somebody no matter how insignificant you may think it is share. Fear can rob of the feelings and freedoms of expressing onesself. Make up your mind today rite now that you are gonna share something with someone. let them know how you feel. you got to start somewhere.

Answer #4

you have to trust someone to be able to share things you feel or think with them.. I’m the same way.. I can’t just come out and say anything because I feel like I’ll say it wrong, or backwards, and I’ll get laughed at.. my advice.. if you feel like you’re going to explode from keeping everything inside.. start a journal or a diary.. write down your thoughts and your feelings.. you may go through a lot of paper, but, there will be no rolling heads :)

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