
Wihkum offers advanced mobile safety solutions tailored for schools, focusing on crisis management to ensure student safety. Request a free demo today!

About Wihkum

Wihkum: Your Premier Emergency Response App for Schools

Who We Are

Welcome to Wihkum, the leading provider of mobile safety solutions for schools in 2024. Our mission is simple yet profound: to ensure the safety and well-being of every student and staff member within the school community. In a world where threats can come from numerous sources—be it violence, unauthorized intruders, or even a student in distress—Wihkum stands as the ultimate guardian, offering a robust and intuitive emergency response app tailored specifically for educational environments.

What We Do

At Wihkum, we have revolutionized crisis management with our cutting-edge software designed to protect schools effectively and efficiently. Here’s how:

  • Immediate Alerts: When the HELP button is pressed, our app instantly alerts the closest trained staff member, ensuring that assistance is on the way in seconds.
  • Customizable Alerts: Schools can create their own HELP types complete with unique tones to address various crises—whether it’s a medical emergency, a security threat, or a behavioral incident.
  • GPS Pinpointing: Our advanced GPS technology allows responders to pinpoint the exact location of the staff member in need, facilitating a rapid and targeted response.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Track responders in real-time as they make their way to the incident location, providing peace of mind and assurance that help is imminent.
  • Lockdown and Evacuation Notifications: Master users can send immediate notifications for lockdowns or evacuations, ensuring that the entire school community is promptly informed and can act swiftly.
  • Incident Reporting: All incidents are meticulously recorded, capturing details like date, time, staff involved, and location for comprehensive incident-based reporting.
  • Quick Setup: Wihkum can be operational in as little as 2 hours with bulk uploading of staff records, allowing schools to modernize their safety protocols without delay.

Why You Should Use Us

Safety is not just a priority; it is a necessity. Here’s why Wihkum is the best choice for your school:

  • Comprehensive Safety Solution: Our app covers all aspects of school safety, from daily incidents to rare but critical emergencies.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with educators in mind, our app is intuitive and easy to use on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Customizable Features: Every school is different, and our app’s customizable features ensure that your specific safety needs are met.
  • Rapid Deployment: Our quick setup process means that your school can start benefiting from enhanced safety measures almost immediately.
  • Enhanced Wellbeing: By modernizing your safety processes, we help reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative impacts on staff and students alike.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: With detailed incident reports, you can analyze trends and make informed decisions to further improve safety measures.

What Can You Ask?

Our team at Wihkum is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Here are some examples of what you might ask us:

  • How does the GPS pinpointing feature work, and how accurate is it?
  • Can we customize the alert tones for different types of emergencies?
  • What training do staff members need to effectively use the Wihkum app?
  • How quickly can we get Wihkum up and running in our school?
  • What kind of data is collected in the incident reports?
  • Is there a limit to the number of staff members who can use the app?
  • How does Wihkum ensure data privacy and security?

Feel free to reach out with any other questions you may have. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you create a safer, more secure learning environment.

Invest in the safety of your school today with Wihkum—the ultimate emergency response app designed to protect what matters most. Request your free demo now!

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