would this be cinsidered molest???

when I used to go to my friends house her mother was usually always drunk and sometimes her and my friend would ‘’play’’ and like they would wrestle and sum times her mom would like pull her pants down stuff and like that she wud giv her a hickey on her stomach or like suc herr ear lobe, and she would pat her boobs sayin things like well your gettin sum boobies arentchya and she would always comment on mine but my question is would that b molest to my friend? oh and also sum times my friend would stick her toungue out and her mom would like take it in her own mouth or she would pin my friend to the bed and b like gimme a kiss and my friend suld b like no then her mom would like lick her mouth

Answer #1

Absolutely. That’s just disgusting. You need to report this. I’m so sorry for your friend

Answer #2

not molest but that is akward. my friend mom rubbes my friends but she only does it to embarres her!!! the tounge licking is kinda akward but other then that jusss a weird mother

Answer #3

well it sounds alltogether awkward and everyone seems to think of it differently but it sounds to me like a drunk mother teasing her daughter in legal terms though it would be a touchy situation

Answer #4

I would consider it molesting

Answer #5

That is completely wrong it is not harmless…she should not be touching you guys or commenting on your boobs or sucking anything or kissing anything…this is very serious and you have to tell your parents and they need to call the cops asap. what she did was molest and rape…rape doesnt need to be sex it can be what you mentioned.

Answer #6

kinda walkin a fine line there. if it makes your friend uncomfortable then she needs to tell her mom, I wouldnt say she’s bein molested but if its somethin that makes her feel wierd or whatever then its def not okay.

Answer #7

true I consider this molesting also…tell your parents, she will get in a lot of trouble.

Answer #8

Uhh I Dontt think thats messing aroundd.kinda weirdd.talk to your frendd about it..

Answer #9

sounds like der just messin arund its harmless ! :)

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