What: is he leading me on?

Hey everyone, this is kinda long, but if you could please take the time of reading(: I have been talking to this guy since summer and im not going to lie…he has led me on before and never done anything. He would come over and we’d hangout, he’d tell me he liked me, then a couple weeks later go out with another girl. We would always hangout or whatever and at the beggining of the year he started dating this girl for three months. I got over him and when they broke up he started liking me- but I was already going out with someone else. I broke up with my boyfriend, not for him, but for other good reasons and three weeks later me and this boy started talking again. Its different than last time. We’ve talked for about two weeks now and he hasn’t screwed me over…yet. Im hoping. Ha. We have never done more than hold hands- and we hungout all this past weekend. Im sure he likes me, but how do I know hes not gonna screw me over again? Do you guys have any ideas of why he did it before?

Answer #1

hmmm well maybe he thought that you really didnt like him…but he obbbviousllyy likes you if he comes to see you and holds youre hand…just grab him and kiss him and tell him how much you like him and see how it go’s from there but if he screws you over again then dont bother…not worth it

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