Mom is making me feel bad about my boobs

Im 13 and im a b 38ish my mom is only like a a20 or something like that. She all ways talks about how im wearing tight shirts when the shirt is one size bigger than it needs to be.I can’t even walk in the house with a tank top on.she says that I shouldn’t do that cuase my older brother in the house.he’s f*ck’n gay and has a boyfriend and my dad is out of town.she’s a sister out of 8 others and is the only one without a chest both of my grandmoms have bigger chest then her.and I only have one real bra that really supports me becuase she all ways try to buy me bra’s that shes wears.she doesn’t really need any support,I’ve had the same bra for a year and haven’t worn those bra’s she trys to buy at all becuase they don’t support me.(I only have that one bra and a buch of sport bra’s) I don’t get it she all ways make me feel ulgy and stuff beasue she says stuff about my chest what should I do?

Answer #1

I am getting the little hint that she is jealous… but that’s just me.

Next time she buys you a bra that doens’t fit, is small for you cause it’s her size, put it on, go up to her and show her that it is WAY too small for you, and if she wants to buy you a bra, you need to go along with her. a bra is a mesed up thing to buy. I am a 38D and it is impossible to buy a bra just cause it says 38D. 9 out of 10 times, it will not fit. She needs to realize the fact that you do not have the smae body as hers. She needs to put her personal feelings about the matter aside, grow up and buy you some proper clothing, cause you will not get a lot further with 1 bra along with a bunch of sports ones. You are becoming a young woman who is going to grow A LOT. and when yu go into your bigger sizes, what is she going to do then? She has to realize NOW that what you need is some PROPER bras and NO guilt trip for something you HAVE NO CONTROL OVER! good luck :o)

Answer #2

im 15 im a 34 E, my mum does the same about what types of tops I wear. my mum says its just because she doesnt want me to go out looking like a “ slag “ and things but I would give it time let her get used to the fact that your growing up and that you want to wear what you want. as long as it isnt to reveling. maybe try talking to her about it. .. hope everything works out for you xx

Answer #3

Talk to her, tell her how she makes you feel when she says hurtful things to u,ask her to buy you bra’s that will support your boobs and if this doesnt work then you should try talking to another adult in your family that you can trust.Maybe when she was younger her sisters made her feel ugly because of her small ones and now she just taking it out on you because she couldnt do it to her sisters…dont worry sweetheart like I always say ‘it will be long but not forever’

Answer #4

I think she is just jelous. tell her how you feel. and tell her you need more bra’s. and if she doesnt want to buy them for you…then save up money and buy a good one yourself. tell her how much it bothers you when she talks about your boobs. just dont pay attention to her. I think she is just jelous. if I had a daughter and she had bigger boobs than me…id be pretty jelous.

Answer #5

I went through something similar to this. When I was 13 I was about a C34 and my mom was immensly smaller in bra size then I am. The truth is that your mom is worried about you growing up. That and she is most likely jealous. Tight shirts are not unacceptable unless you are exposing yourself a great amount and it seems as if the insecurity you have with your breast size will keep you from doing so. I advise that you just have a mature conversation with your mom. Try to explain that her constant comments about your breasts cause you to feel uncomfortable in your own house. Good luck (:

Answer #6

Tell her to shut up, she’s just jealous. :D

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