Laptop Experts Phones And Computer Repair Shop

We provide the best phone repair services in Burleigh Waters and Stones Corner including Broken Screen Replacement, Battery Replacement, Charging Problem Issues, and Broken Back Glass.

About Laptop Experts Phones And Computer Repair Shop

Who we are

Laptop Experts is a trusted computer and phone repair shop located in Stones Corner and Burleigh Waters. We have been providing top-notch IT support and repair services to both residential and business clients in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to providing expert assistance in resolving all your device issues quickly and efficiently.

What we Do

At Laptop Experts, we specialise in laptop, computer, and cell phone repair services. Whether you have a cracked screen, a malfunctioning keyboard, or any other issue with your device, our technicians are trained to handle a wide range of repairs. We offer on-the-spot repairs for phone screen replacements and other common fixes, with most repairs completed in just 30 minutes. You can book your repair online or visit our store for immediate assistance.

Why you should use us

There are several reasons why you should choose Laptop Experts for all your computer and phone repair needs. Firstly, our team of technicians is highly skilled and experienced in handling a variety of repairs, ensuring a quick turnaround time for your device. We also use high-quality parts and materials in all our repairs, ensuring that your device functions like new after the repair is complete.

Additionally, we offer competitive pricing for all our repair services, making it affordable for you to get your device fixed without breaking the bank. Our convenient online booking system allows you to schedule your repair at a time that works best for you, or you can simply walk into our store for immediate assistance. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to provide excellent service to all our clients.

What can you ask?

  • What types of devices do you repair?
  • Do you offer any warranty on your repair services?
  • How long does a typical repair take?
  • Can I get a quote for my repair before proceeding?
  • Do you provide on-the-spot repairs for all types of devices?

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