J. Price McNamara provides expert legal services in Louisiana and Texas, specializing in ERISA and employment law.

About J. Price McNamara

Who We Are

At J. Price McNamara, we are dedicated to fighting for your rights in the complex world of ERISA law. With over 30 years of experience, we’ve built a reputation as the go-to ERISA Long-Term Disability Attorneys, Life Insurance Attorneys, and Accidental Death Insurance Attorneys in Louisiana and Texas. Our founder, J. Price McNamara, has a unique insider perspective, having previously worked for insurance companies before deciding to use his expertise to help people like you. Our mission is simple: to help you overturn claim denials and secure the benefits you rightfully deserve.

What We Do

We specialize in representing clients who have been wrongfully denied insurance benefits under the complex federal ERISA law. Our services include:

  • Long-Term and Short-Term Disability Claims: We help you navigate the complexities of ERISA law to secure the disability benefits you deserve.
  • Life Insurance Claims: Whether it’s a denied claim or a dispute over the payout amount, we fight to ensure you get what you’re entitled to.
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Claims: We assist in overturning denials and securing benefits for accidental death and dismemberment claims.

Our strategy is proven and refined through decades of experience. We employ a Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan that focuses on building your claim strategically with new evidence, ensuring you have the best chance of winning your appeal or lawsuit.

Why You Should Use Us

Choosing the right attorney can make all the difference in recovering your benefits. Here’s why J. Price McNamara stands out:

Insider Experience

Having worked as a “Big Law” insurance company attorney, J. Price McNamara knows exactly how insurance companies think and operate. This insider knowledge allows us to stay one step ahead and frustrate their plans, giving you a significant advantage.

Highly Specialized

Our practice is 100% focused on ERISA law, dealing exclusively with long- and short-term disability, accidental death, and life insurance recovery. This specialization means we are always up-to-date with the latest changes in this complex area of law.

Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan

Our strategic plan is designed to build your claim with new evidence, not just arguments. This approach has been tested and proven over 30 years, ensuring no advantage is overlooked.

Our Four Guarantees

  1. No Fee, No Cost Guarantee: You won’t spend a dime unless we recover for you.
  2. Transparency Guarantee: You’ll never wonder “what’s going on with my case?” as you’ll receive real-time updates.
  3. No Risk of Regrets Guarantee: If you decide within the first 30 days that we’re not the right fit, you owe us nothing.
  4. Complete Convenience Guarantee: Handle everything from the comfort of your home via phone or video calls.

Personal Commitment

J. Price McNamara has personally experienced the loss and struggles that come with denied claims. This personal connection drives our passion and commitment to fight for your rights.

What Can You Ask?

We understand that navigating the world of ERISA law can be confusing and overwhelming. Here are some questions you might have:

  • How do I know if my claim was wrongfully denied?
  • What makes your Custom 5 Step Win My Benefits Plan different from other strategies?
  • Can I still appeal if I’ve missed my initial deadline?
  • How much will it cost me to hire your firm?
  • What types of new evidence do I need to build my claim?
  • Will you handle my case if it goes to federal court?
  • How often will I receive updates about my case?

Feel free to reach out with any other questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help guide you through every step of the process.

Choosing J. Price McNamara means choosing a team that is dedicated, experienced, and specialized in fighting for your rights under ERISA law. Don’t let an insurance company’s denial dictate your future; let us help you secure the benefits you deserve.

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