Guardian is Australia's Leading Provider of State & Private Alcohol Interlock Programs. Get Affordable Interlock Installation & Services.

About Guardian Interlock

Who we are

Welcome to Guardian Interlock, Australia’s leading provider of state and private alcohol interlock programs. If you have been involved in a drink driving offense and are required to participate in an offender alcohol interlock program, we are here to help you navigate through the process with ease. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with affordable interlock installation and services, ensuring that you can demonstrate responsible driving behavior without the influence of alcohol.

What we Do

As part of your offender alcohol interlock program, we will provide you with a new license that includes an interlock condition. This means that you must have an ignition interlock device fitted in order to legally drive any vehicle. Our program monitors your driving behavior throughout its duration, requiring you to demonstrate the ability to separate drinking and driving over a specified period of time.

It is essential to take every retest requested by the interlock device, as missing a retest is considered a violation and can result in additional penalties or program extensions. Our comprehensive support and guidance are designed to help you successfully complete your interlock program, ensuring that you meet all program requirements and avoid any unnecessary complications.

Why you should use us

At Guardian Interlock, we understand that navigating an interlock program can be challenging. That’s why we offer personalized support and assistance to help you every step of the way. Our team of experts is always ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring that you feel confident and informed throughout your interlock program.

With our affordable installation services and commitment to your success, Guardian Interlock is the trusted choice for individuals participating in alcohol interlock programs. We strive to make the process as seamless as possible, allowing you to focus on demonstrating responsible driving behavior and completing your program with confidence.

What can you ask?

  • How do I schedule an interlock device installation?
  • What are the costs associated with interlock installation, service, and removal?
  • What happens if I miss a retest during my interlock program?
  • Can I have the interlock device removed once I complete the program?
  • How do I report unforeseen circumstances that may affect my participation in the interlock program?

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