Calling a Zimbabwean number from another country is easy. Here is how to dial Zimbabwe. Use the Talk360 calling app to Call Zimbabwe The prefix for calling to Zimbabwe is 263. Download Talk360 today!


Who we are

Welcome to, your go-to platform for making international calls to Zimbabwe and beyond. We are a leading provider of affordable and reliable calling services, allowing you to stay connected with your loved ones no matter where they are in the world. Our user-friendly app makes it easy to make crystal-clear calls to Zimbabwe and other countries, all at competitive rates. Whether you’re calling to chat with family, catch up with friends, or conduct business overseas, has got you covered.

What we Do

At, we specialize in providing high-quality calling services that are both convenient and cost-effective. Our cutting-edge technology ensures that your calls are clear and reliable, so you can have smooth conversations without any interruptions. With our app, you can easily make calls to Zimbabwe using the country code +263, allowing you to stay connected with your contacts in this beautiful African nation. Whether you’re making a quick call to check in on a friend or having a lengthy conversation with a family member, makes it simple and affordable to stay in touch.

Why you should use us

There are countless reasons why is the best choice for all your international calling needs. Here are just a few of the benefits of using our services:

  • Affordability: We offer competitive rates for calls to Zimbabwe and other countries, helping you save money on your communication expenses.
  • Reliability: Our advanced technology ensures that your calls are clear and uninterrupted, so you can have seamless conversations every time.
  • Convenience: With our user-friendly app, making international calls is quick and easy. Simply download the app, select your contact, and start talking.
  • Quality: We prioritize quality in all aspects of our service, from call clarity to customer support. You can trust to deliver top-notch calling experiences every time.

Don’t settle for subpar calling services—choose for all your international communication needs.

What can you ask?

When using for your international calling needs, you may have questions about our services, rates, or features. Here are some examples of what you can ask our team:

  • How can I top up my account balance?
  • Do you offer any special promotions or discounts for frequent callers?
  • Can I make calls to countries other than Zimbabwe using your app?
  • What should I do if I experience poor call quality?
  • Is there a limit to the number of calls I can make per day?
  • How can I set up speed dial for my most frequently dialed contacts?

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have—we’re here to help you make the most of your international calling experience with

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