Does anyone have a pet bunny?

My birthdays coming up in September. I REALLY Want a Bunny. I’ve wanted one for about 3 years not,But everytime I asked,My mom Gave me a dumb excuse Like “We have cats,itll be dead within a week” But My cats died. So now im all set=]

I want an indoor bunny.

Does anyone know Approximately how much they are? And a they a pain in the a*s to take care of, or are they easy?

PS_You can take them out of their cages and like,walk around with them and stuff to,right?Theyre prett chill animals,I hear.

Answer #1

I Paid £10 for mine but thats england prices You do need to make your bunny gets exercise but it doesnt need 2 be walked like a dog and tell your mum that they realitivly easy to take care of and u need 2 make sure you clean its cage out at least twice a week

and they can be very theraputic because if your stressed and you smooth it it relaxes you

Hope I Helped!

Answer #2

I have two bunnies at home. If you get them when they’re small which I highly suggest; I got mine when they were about 7 weeks old, then the bunnies can bond easier when they’re young, they’ll adjust really well. One of my bunnies had diarrhea for the first 2 days, but it was just because of a change in her food.

Don’t give young bunnies any greens though at first because their sensitive tummies can’t handle it. I recommend using a hanging metal food dispenser in their cage because they can’t ruin it or dump it. I also recommend a hanging water bottle because they do drink a lot and the bottles can hold quite a lot of water depending on the size you get. Except, where I bought the bunnies, they weren’t given bottles to drink out of, so one of them couldn’t figure out how to use it. If this happens, use a hanging metal water dish because he/she won’t be able to knock it over, but they have to be filled more often than the bottles. The food and water dishes should cost about 5-10 dollars.

Get a cage that will be about 3 times the size of the bunny and make sure that it’s big enough for when they grow. One cage was only about 20 dollars for me, but it depends what type you get.

Food is about 5-10 dollars and same with bedding. I buy the big bags of those because it’s more expensive to buy small bags and one big bag lasts about a month with my 2 bunnies, though it depends on the bunny of course. I tend to clean their cages every other day. They do tend to relieve themselves in the same corner, but it varies. You’ll have to change their cage depending on how messy they are.

I bought my bunnies at a frog pond. It’s a place with produce, plants, and animals. If you have one around, the bunnies should still be pure-breed and mine cost only 7.50 a piece and they’re both beautiful. Otherwise, the most I’ve seen them is 20.00. A lot that I’ve seen in pet stores are over-fed.

I do have 2 harnesses and leashes for my bunnies. They love to go outdoors for more exercise. Just be sure to start them on the leash when they’re young. Mine were a little squirmy at first. One would nibble on you while you tried to put it on her at first, but they both got used to the harness and are fine with it now. But if you don’t want to take them outside, they’ll still love running around a room. Be sure to block off ANY small spaces they could squeeze under. One of my bunnies is larger than the other, but she can manage to squeeze into a 3- inch space. Also be sure you don’t give them too much space to run, because they can hop around a lot and can get out of your sight easily.

Some bunnies love to cuddle, some just like to sit beside you and be petted, and sometimes they just like to explore all the time. One of my bunnies loves to be petted but she is also very adventurous. She rarely ever wants to be held. My other bunny is very cuddly and she loves to explore but she also likes to be held especially like a baby. Every bunny is different though. Some can actually be aggressive, but hopefully you won’t get one like that. The big trick with getting a good-natured bunny is just getting him/her when they’re young.

Well I hope that helped enough! Good luck!! I’m very happy with my bunnies! They’re lovely pets!

Answer #3

they cost about 15-50 Dollars and food is usally 8 dollars and then the cage they need one with bars and stuff and thats usally 75-100 dollars and then a waterbottle and food dish and IF YOU WANT IT LITTER BOX TRAINED

About total it is 275-350 dollars in USA

Answer #4

I have had rabbits for many years and my kids have really lost interest in them and so I am really sick of them. They shed worse then a dog, They can not handle summer heat and so they die easy in the summer, they smell bad and really give nothing back to the owner. They are not very fun or loving. I would say get a dog because they will love you back and live longer.

Answer #5

I have had an indoor bunny for three years. She is sweet and a great pet. I have a cage for her inside and take her outside every so often on a harness and leash for some extra exercise. I also let her run around the living room, i put her cage down and leave it open so she can go potty (rabbits like to go in the same spot) and she does not go on the floor. She does kick her bedding around a little in her cage but a quick once over witht the vaccumm cleans it right up. She is up high enough that my two cats dont get to her, and they dont try to hurt her anyway. They are realtively inexpensive, a rabbit can be around 10-25 dollars at the pet store. A cage is close to 50+ dollars (you need ATLEAST 2 square feet per rabbit). A bag of food is 5-10 bucks, a water bottle maybe 5, and bedding is 5-10. THe initial cost of buying all of that is a little spendy but otherwise you only have to buy like one big bag of food and bedding every other month in general. They are very tameable and live into their early teens. Read up, do a little research, and present your mom with facts about how to care for a bunny indoors. She just might come around!

Answer #6

Old books or phone books Plush bunny to groom Old blanket or towel, to bunch up and rearrange Paper bag or box of hay (e.g., a cereal box or any small box) Plastic keys (the kind for babies) Piece of wood for chewing Container (empty plastic butter bowl, etc.) with something inside to make it rattle Untreated wicker baskets Rolled up newspaper, paper grocery bags Cardboard toilet paper, paper towel rolls or paper cups (not the wax kind) Carpeted cat condo Cardboard tunnels Untreated grass mats Set up an obstacle course. Use cardboard boxes, tunnels, and baskets. Just make sure it is not too high, for the rabbit’s safety.

They are really nice and are playful I have two and they are easily amused!

Answer #7

Bunnies don’t stay bunnies forever.. they either need a lot of human companionship or another rabbit friend, preferably a litter mate. They need a lot of room to run and a watchful eye at all times. Eletrical cords are bunnies fav to chew! They are expensive pets.. must visit vet at 4 months for neutering or spaying. Cage, bedding, litter box and litter, timothy hay, water bottle, chew toys, and only a months supply of food at a time because pellets can go bad. We spent alittle over $300 getting started. If you do get a bunny I recommend Rabbits for Dummies book.. its a step by step and really helped us out! We adopted a Holland Lop, they are dwarf rabbits and only get to be about 4 bls! Hes a sweetie and loves to be cuddled and play tag!!

Answer #8

Here’s some info:

Good luck !!

Answer #9

I have a American Fuzzy Lop they have lots of fur the boys will love on you all day they do stink so they should be an outside pet mine was 40$ but I got him at an auction so they can go up to 100$ mine were also show bunnies too so you can get one at the pet store for 10$ they are hard work too you have to clean there cages about 2 or 3 times a week and furry breeds need to be brushed two times a week or they can die if you have any more questions please funmail me I have a bunny farm so I know a lot about bunnies

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