
AQBot series is a fixed air quality monitor designed for Industrial air quality monitoring for applications like industrial process control, leak detection, and environmental health-safety monitoring.

About Oizom

Who we are

At Oizom, we are a team of passionate individuals dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for industrial air quality monitoring. With years of experience in the field, we have developed the AQBot Single Parameter Monitor Series, a state-of-the-art fixed air quality monitor specifically designed for industrial applications. Our goal is to help industries maintain a safe and healthy environment for their employees while also contributing to environmental sustainability.

What we Do

Our AQBot series is a robust air quality monitoring system that is perfect for industrial process control, leak detection, and environmental health-safety monitoring. It is compatible with a wide range of environmental parameters for gases, particulate matter, and noise, making it a versatile solution for various industries. The advanced software that comes with the AQBot series offers more than 10 different modules to view data, analyze trends, integrate with other systems, and generate detailed reports for compliance and decision-making purposes.

The AQBot system is designed to be lightweight and compact, allowing for easy installation on any wall, pole, or structure within your industrial facility. It also features a built-in display that allows you to check the concentration of pollutants on-site, along with the unit of measurement. Additionally, for real-time alerts, the system can be equipped with optional siren and strobe light capabilities, in addition to software notifications. The AQBot series supports all industry-standard output signals like Modbus, Canbus, RS-485, and RS-232, ensuring seamless integration with your existing infrastructure.

Why you should use us

When it comes to industrial air quality monitoring, Oizom stands out as a trusted partner that offers reliable solutions tailored to your specific needs. By choosing our AQBot series, you can benefit from:

  • Cutting-edge technology: Our AQBot monitors are equipped with the latest technology to ensure accurate and real-time monitoring of air quality parameters.
  • Customizable solutions: We understand that every industrial facility is unique, which is why we offer customizable solutions to meet your specific requirements.
  • Expert support: Our team of experts is always available to provide assistance and guidance on how to optimize the performance of your air quality monitoring system.
  • Compliance assurance: With detailed reports and data analysis capabilities, our AQBot series helps you stay compliant with industry regulations and standards.

What can you ask?

Visitors to our website or potential customers may have questions about our AQBot series or our services. Here are some examples of what you can ask us:

  • What are the key features of the AQBot Single Parameter Monitor Series?
  • How can the AQBot system benefit my industrial facility?
  • Are there any customization options available for the AQBot monitors?
  • Can the AQBot series be integrated with existing industrial systems?
  • What kind of support do you offer for maintenance and troubleshooting?
  • How does the AQBot system help in ensuring environmental health and safety compliance?
  • Do you provide training for users on how to operate the AQBot monitors effectively?

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or inquiries you may have about our products and services. We are here to assist you in finding the best air quality monitoring solution for your industrial needs.

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