Will I get to marry Zac Efron someday?

So I am in love with Zac Efron…not really b/c I dont’ know him but he is so yummy. What do you think the chances of me and him getting married one day? I’m thinking slim to none, but I would totally marry someone who slightly resembled him a good voice. LOL. So what do you think my chances are with such a cutie??? :-)))

Answer #1

Aim for a ‘good loving heart’ - looks fade :-)

Answer #2

im not too sure.. it depends on your age zac is 19 almost 20 in 2 weeks so you never know.. he could fall for you lol! vanessa tried it on with drake before she was even famous which helped her work her way upto zac!! so dreams might come true!!

Answer #3

as the others said u might never meet him and he might not be ur type he could be a really stuck up person, people have different sides of them. just because he acts like a different way on tv dont mistake him for being a good person

Answer #4

i met a kid once who looked exactly like zac efron. it was freaky. but anywhooo looks arent as important as personalitly. trust me. its cliche but also very very true

Answer #5

there’s about a 02.1% chance of you marrying zac.

Answer #6

??? I dont Even no u

Answer #7

lol. there a billions of girls. He might not even meet u. But if he does, he might take one look at u, not care about anything else. Will marry u and youl hav mini zacks

Answer #8

Maybe yes maybe no. But I say… No

Answer #9

if he was an ordinary person like u and me you would have every chance in the world :@( damm

Answer #10

I hate to break it to you but… ur never gonna marry Zac Efron…but he is really cute…SORRY!

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