Where or what to look 4 a job?

Ok soo am 19 years old and I’ve never work in my life …but noww I am desperate 4 independence… Do anyone think that I can get a job in a clothes store or a hotel as a cleaner or something…I go college and I have 3 gcse…I would love to do baby sittin but I am not a qualified baby sitter…but any jod would help…desperate

London england…

Answer #1

you should look in some kind of cafe or restrauant somewhere. You do some waitressing(:

Answer #2

try getting a job as a sales assisstant in a store or sumthin. or you could try going to the place you went for your work experience, if you enjoyed it :)

Answer #3

You can also try the online world. Check out [link removed] and see if you’re a good fit for this lucrative career.

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