What should I put in this journal?

My boyfriend is leaving soon to go to basic training. That means I can’t have any contact with him for 9 weeks.

While he’s away I want to keep a journal for him so he can read it when he gets back. But I don’t want it to just be like a diary. Does anybody have any cute ideas of what else to put in it? I’ve thought of it a bunch but would really like to have more ideas to make it as good as possible. Thanks everyone ^_^

Answer #1

All your feelings about him and harts whit his name and show him that you love him and all. share that what you are feeling about him leaving and all. Is fun, have fun whit it and all explore arond make it yourway and don’t let anybody tell you how to do it.

Also MAKE IT YOU!!:)

Answer #2

You can write to him when he’s in basic training. Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, any kind of military branch you can write to him. Once he’s in boot camp they give a call to home. And soon they will be able to write. So have him write your address down, and you’ll be able to communicate through letters via mail.

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