what should I do

ok there is this guy that I work with and we have been “involved” for about 8 months and we are both in love. The problem is that he isnt suppose to date people from work due to his position. He could get fired just for being seen with me out side of work, and that isnt the only problem he is also married. This whole thing between us was never suppose to last this long all we were looking for was a one time thing. I din’t want to get involved with him. But for some reason we let feelings get in the way and we cant stay away from each other. My friends think its just about the sex, but its not anymore. The problem is that he has no plans on leaving his wife. I keep asking him what he wants from me but he always says that he dont know. All he knows is that he loves me. I just don’t know what to do. I have never been with a married man before and I feel bad for having him cheat on his wife every time we are together.

Answer #1

I think that you should leave him. I mean hes cheatin on his wife. thats not right. xoxoTina

Answer #2

I feel bad for having him cheat on his wife every time we are together.>>If that were true, then you wouldnt have taken it as far as you did!

This whole thing between us was never suppose to last this long all we were looking for was a one time thing. I din’t want to get involved with him. But for some reason we let feelings get in the way and we cant stay away from each other>>What do you think sex does to a female? Sexual intimacy triggers the strongest and deepest, passions in life. Its purpose is to bond a man and a woman into “one flesh” in the deepest intimacy that human beings can share. Further, sex is designed to both create life and build a strong relationship to protect and provide for that life.

You may THINK it wasn’t about sex, but I can bet he did. Guys arent wired like women. They can have sex with multiple partners, and never get the feelings involved! Sorry, but it WAS about sex…on his part!! He can say he “loves” you, but those are JUST words, and everyone knows that “actions speak LOUDER than words”!!

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice