What does this mean?

So my boyfriend and I have been going out for seven months. Only, this past month has been weird between us. I feel like he doesn’t like me in the same way as before, and I’ve been confused about the way I feel towards him. I mean, over summer we didn’t see each other that much and I think that impacted our relationship. Anyways, we used to stay up and talk to each others for hours and hang out with each other whenever possible, but I haven’t gotten that impression for a while. Like, I feel like things are awkward between us for some reason. So, last night, I asked him if his feelings have changed and he said “I don’t know.” We have always been honest with one another and I was kind of expecting that sort of answer. So, my question is: what does “I don’t know” mean? I asked him if he wanted to talk about it and I never got a response… but yeah. I’m a little confused right now. I understand that the chances of us staying together forever was slim and all, I mean, c’mon, I’m just a senior in high school. But, yeah, thanks for taking the time to read this. Advice is great :)

Answer #1

hmmm. im really sorry about your relationship. you said that things got weird when he came home from europe and maybe something happened there. if I were you I would talk to him. tell him how you feel and she how he feels. maybe its just a faze and pretty soon things will be okay again. but if not you need to ask and see where your relationship is going. when you brought it up before he said “I dont know” and thats not a very good sign. if everything was okay then he would say yes and that no his feelings have not changed. you need to get an answer out of him instead of just an I dont know. but sometimes relationships have a little dead time. it happened to me sept my boyfriend and I wouldnt stop fighting. but eventually we got ever it and things were like normal. hopefully the same will happen for you. good luck =)

Answer #2

He was working at a camp for 7 weeks during the summer. I got to see him like 10 times total, half of them was when he was busy working at the camp [they let you visit on thursdays]. Anyways, he went to europe for two weeks, but then he came back. things started getting a little weird like a week after that.

Answer #3

how long and where has he been on his break

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