What does pansexual mean?

ok, like, I know that I asked a question, like, 5 mins ago but as I was waitin fer my other question to be answered, I stumbled across the word pansexual… ??? I only know straight, lesbian/gay, bisexual…but wtf is pansexuall???

Answer #1

^ I said regardless of GENDER not species..

Answer #2


Answer #3

oh, so they’re attracted to men, women, and animals?

Answer #4

Pansexuality is very similar to bisexuality.. but you see, the term “‘bisexuality”‘ limits you to only boys and girls, whereas pansexuality is like anything goes. Not just boys and girls, but transexual/transgender.. crap like that. Pansexuals describe themselves as being “‘gender-blind.”‘ meaning “‘attraction regardless of gender.”‘

get it?

Answer #5

haha sick thats what being atrracted to animals would be :P thanks, tinatodder4!!

Answer #6

lol so what would the word be for regardless of gender or species?

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