what can I do to soothe my sons sore bottom?

my 14 month old son has had “diarhea” (not sure on the spelling) for over a week now. I’ve tried giving him dry food e.g plain biscuits and crackers etc… and I’ve also tried to starve him so to say for 24hrs as suggested by my doctor but his stomach is still upset. the doctor also gave me “dioralyte” sachets and they havent worked. His bottom is really sore and blistered and bleeding and he screams in agony and begs and pleads. I started by using sudafed cream and then went on to use vasaline (petroleum jelly) in the day time. I took him to the doctors again and she has given me “hydroquartazone cream 1%” (he used this cream when he was born as he had very dry skin and it worked wonderfully then) It isnt wrking on his bottom though and its quite distressing for the both of us when I change his nappy. I also have stopped using baby wipes and im now using soap and water. I dont know what else I can do

Answer #1

Sudocreme works well

Answer #2

Try using something with lanolin in it. (Some baby salves has that). That should help with the healing. Letting him go without his diaper would work best, but if that is too messy I suggest trying to find those old fashioned diapers made out of actual material. My mother used that with us and we never got nappy rash.

However cleaning the diapers will be pretty disgusting.

Answer #3

Let him walk around for a little while without his diaper. The air hitting his skin will really help him heal and will comfort him as well. And definitely try Corn Starch. It works absolute wonders on rashes; just make sure you or he doesn’t inhale it while you’re putting it on!

Answer #4

That was my first thought (though with diarreah, it’s risky…but letting air hit his bottom…my mom was a big user of corn starch…as well as Whites A & D…do they still make that? Bag Balm is a real healer, too…

Poor little fart…


Answer #5

use cornstarch and you might also want to try LANSINOH for babies. Its the same kind they recomend for sore nipples but obiously this is for diaper rash its wonderful. Another little advice, do not give your baby anything that has apple that makes them have diarreah and a really bad diaper rash

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