what about a realationship worrys you the most?

what about being in a realationship do you worry about the most?

for me its the fear of falling in love with someone only to have your heart broken

Answer #1

I think that is probably everyones fear… I am currently in the beginning of a relationship and im having issues letting him in to my life because of some past experiences.. I dont want to get hurt like that again. But if you are always afraid, you will never take any risks… And without pain, there is no happiness… you always have to go thru pain to get to the point of being head over heals in love with someone, and trusting them not to hurt u… So I just have to say, Try not to be afraid, itll only put your life on hold.. Take risks, sometimes it will resault in you getting hurt, but sometimes itll be the best thing you have ever done…

Answer #2

Yea Me 2.I tried 2 Lay off the idea of being in a relationship for awhile…you know…2 do me but that gets boring after a while.I’ve had my shares of heartbrakes and I really don’t wanna go through another.The IDEA of being in a relationship is whAT I THink drives a lot of people…outside looking in always fools you.

Answer #3

mine too… the guy I’m with right now I was actually afraid to start a relationship because I really liked him and didn’t want to fall in love and have my heart broken… well now I’m with him, 8 months on valentines day… and I am so completely in love with him and scared to death of losing him and having my heart broken…

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