Does anyone speak fluent French?

Answer #1

Yes, many people do.

Answer #2

Some Canadians and French people do. He, he….joke.

Answer #3

Belgium Benin Burkina-Faso Burundi Cameroon Here’s a list of countries that French is the national language
Canada Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of Congo Djibouti France Gabon Guinea Haiti Ivory Coast Luxembourg Madagascar Mali Monaco Niger Republic of Congo Rwanda Senegal Seychelles Switzerland Togo Vanuatu

Answer #4

You show off! lol! :)

Answer #5

Like how I discreetly placed the sentence “Here’s a list…” ? Just one of those days…LOL

Answer #6

NOOOO!!! I NEED someone to help me with study for a French test so I need someone who SPEAKS fluent French!!

Answer #7


Answer #8

Ha, ha…Is a good list. :)

Answer #9

Uhm… had French in school. Long time ago. Traveled to France. Spoke to French people. Can buy stuff in France. Can book a hotel. Can talk about the weather. Or about the beautiful landscape. Can ask directions.

But, sorry, no profound text analysis skills available.

If there’s anything I can do to help you, I will.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Sooo helpful :/

Answer #12

The key question is ….Do you know any swear words in french ????..LOL

Answer #13

I don’t need any swear words! :p

Answer #14

@ marisha actually, yes…. Putain de merde! Enfoiré! Enculé! Bordel! Merde alors! Zut! Flûte ! Ce salaud!

Answer #15

I almost speak fluent francais. Je suis dans la class de francais quatre et j’ai une bonne note dans cette classe. Je peux t’aide un peu

Answer #16

@ Rotten sheep ….Then you can go anywhere in France and make yourself understood…LOL

Answer #17

J’ai une épreuve de finales lundi, pouvez-vous m’aider dimanche ?

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